
  • 网络pakistan muslim league;PML;PML-N;PML-N party
  1. 巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(谢里夫派)PakistanMuslimLeague(Nawaz)誓言将向最高法院立即提起上诉。不到3周前,最高法院宣布,作为巴基斯坦公民,谢里夫享有不可剥夺的回国权利。

    The Pakistan Muslim League ( Nawaz ) pledged to launch an immediate appeal before the Supreme Court , which less than three weeks ago proclaimed that Mr Sharif , as a Pakistani citizen , had an inalienable right to return to the country .

  2. 扎尔达里誓言,联合政府不会包括穆沙拉夫总统的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(领袖派)的议员。

    He vowed the coalition would not include lawmakers with President Musharraf 's Pakistan Muslim League party .

  3. 早些时候,穆沙拉夫总统的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(领袖派)领导人侯赛因承认在选举中失败,时间远远早于官方公布的选举结果。

    Earlier , the leader of President Musharraf 's Pakistan Muslim league conceded defeat , well before the announcement of official results .

  4. 反对派“巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟谢里夫派”的领导人尼萨尔.阿里.汗星期五说,巴基斯坦目前受到战争的威胁。

    Opposition leader Nisar Ali Khan of the Pakistan Muslim League-N Party said Friday that Pakistan is now under the threat of war .

  5. 谢里夫领导的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟主张恢复被解职的大法官的职务,然后让他们决定穆沙拉夫任命的法官是否留任。

    Mr. Sharif 's party wants to restore the deposed justices and have them decide whether to retain those justices appointed by Mr. Musharraf .

  6. 谢里夫的巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟党取得了彻底胜利,标志着这个国家历史上第一次一个平民政府通过投票箱将权力转给另一个。

    Sharif 's Pakistan Muslim League party scored a resounding victory , marking the first time in the nation 's history that a civilian government will transfer power to another via the ballot box .

  7. 虽然巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟非常坚持要恢复法官的职务,巴基斯坦人民党却更加犹豫不决,或许因为这些法官可能会同意审理对受到腐败指控的巴基斯坦人民党领导人的法律大赦所发起的挑战。

    While the PML-N has been adamant about restoring the judges , the PPP has been more reluctant , possibly because the justices could take up challenges to a legal amnesty granted to PPP leaders on corruption charges .

  8. 星期天在伦敦举行最后一轮谈判之后,巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟--谢里夫派的领导人纳瓦兹.谢里夫说,尽管他们做出“真诚的努力”,但是在各党派给自己定下的最后期限星期一之前,各个党派仍然无法排除障碍、达成协议。

    Following the latest round of negotiations in London , Sunday , Pakistan Muslim League-N leader Nawaz Sharif said , despite " sincere efforts , " the parties were unable to resolve the deadlock before Monday 's self-imposed deadline for an accord .

  9. 几个小时后,政治家们说,他们需要更多的时间才能决定下一步要怎么做,因为他们刚刚获悉巴基斯坦人民党和巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟党之间有一个秘密协议。

    Hours later , the politicians said they needed more time before deciding what to do next , because they had just learned of a secret agreement between the Pakistan People 's Party and the Pakistan Muslim League-N party .

  10. 国民议会一共有268个议席。目前结果显示,巴基斯坦人民党领先,获得大约87个议席。巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(谢里夫派)位居第二,获得66个议席。

    The Pakistan People 's Party is in the lead with some 87 seats followed by Nawaz Sharif 's Pakistan Muslim League with 66 seats .