
  1. 在此基础上,崧泽玉器形成了自己独特的艺术风格,主要表现为生命意识、柔美风格和整体意识。

    Based on this , Songze jade ware has formed its own unique artistic style which concludes life consciousness , aesthetic style and whole consciousness .

  2. 经初步清理,房址内出有崧泽文化早期的陶豆、罐、釜和玉玦、石斧等器物。

    Artefacts dated Songze Culture including pottery stem cup , pot , cauldron , jade slotted ring and stone axe were yielded within the housing feature .

  3. 通过对典型聚落或墓地的内部布局和空间结构分析,崧泽文化早期的社会处在由平等社会向不平等社会过渡的阶段。

    Based on the spatial and mortuary analysis of many typical settlements and cemeteries , early Songze culture was being the change from equality to stratification society .

  4. 塔山中层崧泽文化时期祭祀建筑遗存性质的认定,对良渚文化“祭坛”的渊源探讨具有重要价值。

    The quality of the sacred building site in the middle stratum of Tashan , Songzhe culture is very important for the study on the origin of the altar of Liangzhu culture .