
yán zǎo tánɡ
  • fucose
  1. 细胞生长和表面精蛋白的N-糖链中核心岩藻糖的关系

    Relationship between Cell Growth and the Core Fucose in N-glycans of Cell Surface Glycoproteins

  2. TP及TP-1经酸水解后,表明其单糖组成为甘露糖、葡萄糖醛酸、木糖及少量岩藻糖和葡萄糖。

    The TP and TP-1 were composed of mannose , glucuronic acid and xylose , also smal amount of fucose and glucose ;

  3. 人α-半乳糖苷酶、α-1,2-岩藻糖转移酶cDNA序列转染克服异种移植超急性排斥反应

    Inhibition of Hyperacute Rejection by Transfection of Human α - Galactosidase cDNA and α - 1,2-Fucosyltransferase cDNA

  4. 经TLC和高效液相色谱(HPLC)分析金耳胞外多糖由岩藻糖、木糖、鼠李糖、阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖组成。

    Its mono-saccharide composition was identified by thin-layer chromatography and HPLC . TEP consists of rhamnose , arabinose , xylose , fucose , glucose , galactose .

  5. 例如岩藻糖基化出现在ABO血型抗原的生成过程中,对人类的生理有重要作用。

    For example , fucosylation occurs during the processes of the formation of ABO blood antigens , and they are important for the human physiology .

  6. 部分中国人群ABO血型分泌型α(1,2)-岩藻糖转移酶基因(FUT2)多态性研究

    Polymorphisms of ABO Blood Group Secretor Type α( 1,2 ) Fucosyltransferase Gene ( FUT2 ) in Partial Chinese Populations

  7. P1由岩藻糖、木糖、甘露糖、葡萄糖和半乳糖构成,摩尔百分比43.4∶33.3∶6.2∶4.3∶12.8;

    P1 was composed of fucose , xylose , mannose , glucose , and galactose with a molar percentage ratio of 43.4 ∶ 33.3 ∶ 6.2 ∶ 4.3 ∶ 12.8 ;

  8. 联机分析鉴定其结构.得出BJⅡa是多分枝结构的中性杂多糖,其主链是由1→2连接的葡萄糖和岩藻糖构成。

    BJ ⅱ a is neutral component with many branches , its ba-sic structure is composed of 1 → 2 linked Glc and Fuc .

  9. 白细胞抑制因子(LIF)对离体小鼠子宫内膜岩藻糖基转移酶(FuT7)表达的影响

    Effect of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor ( LIF ) on the Fucosyltransferase VII ( FuT7 ) Expression in Mouse Endometrial Cells in vitro

  10. 植物血凝素、刀豆蛋白A、岩藻糖、巯基乙醇及胰酶均致CSH和粘附降低,凝血素增加粘附率。

    The chemical agents , such as PHA , ConA , fucose , mercaptoethanol and trypsin decreased CSH and adhesion level of the yeast while lectin increased adhesion level .

  11. P3由岩藻糖、木糖和半乳糖构成,摩尔百分比68.9∶3.7∶27.4。结论P1、P2和P3的单糖含量均以岩藻糖为主,但其他单糖组成有较大差别。

    And P3 was composed of fucose , xylose , and galactose with a ratio of 68.9 ∶ 3.7 ∶ 27.4.Conclusion The three polysaccharides are mainly composed of fucose , while the other monosaccharides are very different .

  12. 中国人群中α(1,2)岩藻糖基转移酶基因C35T变异的频率研究

    Study on the frequency of alpha-1 , 2-fucosyltransferase gene h4 allele ( C35T ) in Chinese population

  13. α-(1,2)岩藻糖转移酶基因(FUT1)多态性及其与猪产仔性状的关联性研究

    Research on Polymorphism of α( 1,2 ) Fucosyltransferase ( FUT1 ) Gene and Its Association with Litter Size in Pig

  14. 胆管癌胆汁中分离出的3种差异糖蛋白中糖链结构的变化,主要表现为天线数和核心岩藻糖的明显增多,还可能伴有平分型GlcNAc增多。

    The increase of antennary and core fucose were the main changes in the sugar chains of these glycoproteins in cholangiocarcinoma bile , and maybe accompanied with with the increase of Bisecting GlcNAc .

  15. 对小刺猴头菌子实体多糖HB-1化学组成和结构进行研究,结果表明:HB-1分子量为100000,单糖组成为甘露糖、岩藻糖、葡萄糖、半乳糖。

    The chemical composition and the structure of polysaccharide HB-1 from fruiting bodies of Hericium caput-medusae-were studied . The results showed that the molecular weight of HB-1 was 100 000.HB-1 was mainly composed of Mannose , Fucose , Glucose and Galactose .

  16. L-岩藻糖和D-半乳糖对小鼠精卵结合的抑制作用

    Inhibitory Effect of Saccharides on Sperm - Egg Binding in Mice

  17. 目前在人类基因组中发现了十三种岩藻糖基转移酶。

    There are 13 fucosyltransferases that have been found in human genome .

  18. 白血病患者血清蛋白结合岩藻糖检测及其临床意义

    Clinical Significance of Serum Protein Bound Fucose Determination in Patients with Leukemia

  19. 岩藻糖转移酶9在乳腺癌中的表达及其临床意义

    Expression of Fucosyltransferase 9 and Its Clinical Significance in Human Breast Carcinoma

  20. 鼠李糖、半乳糖和岩藻糖可以两种掺和到兽医香波中。

    Rhamnose , galactose and fucose are two incorporated into veterinary shampoos .

  21. α-1,3岩藻糖转移酶各亚型在小鼠胚胎着床前后子宫内膜表达的半定量研究

    Semi-quantitative analysis of expression of α 1,3 fucosyltransferase during mouse embryo implantation

  22. 血清岩藻糖测定方法学研究

    A Study of the Determination of Serum Fucose Concentration

  23. 本文探讨用测定晨尿中粘多糖的组成成分、唾液酸、岩藻糖、己糖及氨基己糖的含量来反映尿中粘多糖量的变化。

    Sialic acid , fucose , hexose and hexosamine are the constituents of mucopolysaccharide .

  24. 用凝集素和非同位素标记底物测定核心α-1,6-岩藻糖转移酶及其应用

    Determination of Core α - 1,6-Fucosyltransferase Using Lectin and Non-isotope Substrate and Its Application

  25. 一例由α(1,2)岩藻糖基转移酶基因两碱基缺失引起的类孟买型血型

    Two base deletion of the alpha ( 1,2 ) fucosyltransferase gene responsible for para-Bombay phenotype

  26. 4种海参中含岩藻糖支链的硫酸软骨素化学组成差异的分析

    Diversity Analysis of Chemical Composition of Fucosylated Chondroitin Sulfate from 4 Kinds of Sea Cucumbers

  27. 细胞表面糖链末端唾液酸和岩藻糖与某些细胞生物学行为的关系

    Relationship between terminal sialyl and FUCOSYL residues of glycans on cell surface and cell biological behaviors

  28. 水解纸层析图谱显示,刺参多糖中含有岩藻糖、氨基半乳糖和葡萄糖醛酸等。

    Paper chromatography shows that there are fucose , aminogalactose and glucuronic acid in sea cucumber polysaccharide .

  29. 分析模型后发现血清糖蛋白岩藻糖基化异常与肝癌发生、发展相关。

    Analysis model found that serum glycoprotein fucosylation abnormalities associated with the occurrence and development of HCC .

  30. 单糖组成相同,主要都由岩藻糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖和甘露糖组成;

    The main monosaccharide components of both two preparations were fucose , galactose , glucose and mannose .