- 【地名】【日本】Iwata

The company 's now down to just two Barnett Shale drilling rigs .
Encourages gamers to share the title with their non-gamer friends and even parents .
Meanwhile Barnett Shale propaganda was everywhere .
The Barnett boom has generated far less royalty income than many public officials and homeowners expected .
Reiterates backwards compatibility to all previous Nintendo titles and the need for the controller to function with it .
Barnett Shale properties are like the beautiful woman at the prom , one company PR man told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2005 . Everybody wants to dance with her .
It has sold off much of its Barnett acreage , cut back its local staff , and , in 2012 , put its 20-story regional headquarters building purchased just four years earlier on the block .
Barnett gas production will continue for decades - and could rise again if a big jump in volatile natural gas prices ( now about $ 4.55 per million BTU ) makes new drilling more profitable .
At the peak , in 2008 , there were about 200 active drilling rigs in the Barnett Shale , seeking to tap into new gas-production sites . Today , there are 22 , according to RigData .
More recently , the excitement has centered on shale fields that produce crude oil , which is far more lucrative , such as the Bakken Shale in North Dakota and the Eagle Ford in South Texas .