
shān luán
  • mountain range;chain of mountains;massif;multipeaked mountain
山峦 [shān luán]
  • [chain of mountains;multipeaked mountain] 连绵不断的群山

  • 山峦起伏

山峦[shān luán]
  1. 现在的长城景区,与其说是旅游景区,还不如说是一个“露天博物馆”,长城被狭隘地“保护”为一堵墙,竖立在山峦之上。

    Today , the area is less a tourist area than an " open-air museum ," and the Changcheng has been subject to narrow " preservation " as a wall standing atop a mountain range .

  2. 又过一会儿,山峦城市渐渐消下去,越来越淡,转眼间,天青海碧,什么都不见了,原先的岛屿又在海上重现出来。

    Also crosses a while , the mountain range city gradually disappears , is more and more pale , in a moment , day Qinghai blue , anything disappeared , the original islands in marine reappear .

  3. 远处的山峦白雪覆盖。

    The mountains in the background were capped with snow .

  4. 远处山峦叠起。

    Mountains rose in the distance .

  5. 这个地区山峦低矮起伏,景色秀丽。

    The country , with its low , rolling hills was beautiful

  6. 克莱尔和戴维·阿斯特正在画远处西班牙山峦的风景素描。

    Clare and David Astor are sketching a view of far Spanish hills

  7. 穷人们被迫在山峦更高处的更为贫瘠的土地上耕作。

    The poor are forced to farm in more marginal lands higher up the mountains .

  8. 我从卧室窗口望去,远处尽是连绵的山峦和屋顶。

    From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops .

  9. 我们一路南行,乡间开始变得起伏不平,绵延的山峦一直延伸到河岸。

    As we travel south , the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks

  10. 山峦起伏。

    The mountain ranges rise and fall .

  11. 背景不是拜占庭式的建筑,就是山峦。

    The backgrounds are either architectural in the Byzantine style , or mountainous .

  12. 雾气逐渐消失,重叠的山峦一层一层地显现出来。

    As the mist lifted , the mountains revealed themselves range upon range .

  13. 山峦苍翠。

    The hills are verdant .

  14. 它以美丽的山峦、森林和湖泊而闻名。

    It 's famous for its beautiful mountains , forests and lakes .

  15. 我们看到山峦景色,心花怒放。

    We were enraptured by the view of the mountains .

  16. 远处,在最后一个山峦上闪烁着一个方尖塔。

    Far away on the last spur , there was a glittering obelisk .

  17. 而名为ElRioPasivo的水滑梯则可以让游客环绕整个水上乐园,将乐园周围的山峦和瀑布尽收眼底。

    The water ride , El Rio Pasivo , carries riders through the whole water park . They can see the mountains and waterfalls around it .

  18. 你可以看到一座小岛,正如塞尚许多风景画展示的那样,马赛东部的山峦在远方幻化淡淡的蓝灰色,比如《从埃斯塔克一岚马赛湾》(GulfofMarseilleSeenFromL'Estaque),而今,这些画作散落在世界各地的博物馆里。

    You can see a small island , and the hills east of Marseille , bluish in the distance , just as they appear in so many of C é zanne 's landscapes , " Gulf of Marseille Seen From L'Estaque , " which are now scattered in museums around the world .

  19. 北部是人口较多的地方,地势比较开阔,但仍然会有不少山峦起伏。例如,汝拉(Jura)山-瑞士东北的一座相对较小的山脉。

    The northern , more populous part of the country is more open , but can still be mountainous , for example , in the Jura Mountains , a smaller range in the northwest .

  20. 山峦唤起我心中的音乐。

    The hills fill my heart with the sound of music .

  21. 在一年的转折之期,在这高耸的山峦。”

    on this high hill in a year 's turning . "

  22. 在灿烂的阳光下,山峦青翠辉耀。

    Under the sparkling sunlight , the verdant hills were glorious .

  23. 日本四面环海,山峦叠嶂。

    Japan is surrounded by the sea and covered with mountains .

  24. 构成该市背景的陡峭的山峦。

    The steep hills that form a backdrop to the city .

  25. 所有的树都已锯成原木.山峦使地平线成锯齿状。

    All the trees have been sawn up into logs .

  26. 使山峦的色彩像海水一样的湛蓝湛蓝。

    It makes the color of the mountains a deep ocean blue .

  27. 山峦的阴影也不会落在你的心田。

    And the shadow of mountains will not fall on your heart .

  28. 然后步行穿过重重的山峦回到海边。

    Then walked through the mountains back to the seashore .

  29. 眼前似乎只有山峦、草地和天空。

    There seemed to be only hills , grass , and sky .

  30. 山谷绵延到乡舍跟前,终于被三面环抱的山峦截断;

    The hills which surrounded the cottage the valley in that direction ;