
  1. 最后,提出了山东W职业学院优化学生顶岗实习的对策思考。

    Lastly , it presents the countermeasure of optimization of students ' internship in Shandong W vocational college .

  2. 基于J2EE和ORACLE的山东商务职业学院后勤管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Logistics Management System for the Handong Business Institute Based on J2EE and Oracle

  3. 本文以高职院校为研究对象,通过分析山东W职业学院顶岗实习状况,对高职院校顶岗实习模式进行了思考。

    In this paper , it takes high vocational colleges as the study objects . Through analyzing the situation of internship in Shandong W Vocational College , it reflects on practice patterns of high vocational colleges .

  4. 接着,对山东W职业学院顶岗实习现状进行了调查,从学校、学生、企业三方对顶岗实习的现状进行了实证研究,并讨论了顶岗实习具体的培训模式及其存在的问题。

    And then , it conducts a survey of internship in Shandong W vocational college and does an empirical study on internship from two aspects of students and enterprises . It finds a few problems in the internship .

  5. 谈山东交通职业学院教学综合体设计

    Discussion on the instructional syntheses design of Shandong Traffic Vocational College

  6. 你能告诉我到山东纺织职业学院怎么走吗?

    Can you tell me the way to ShanDong Textile Vocational College ?

  7. 山东交通职业学院现代物流实验室项目方案评价研究

    Study on Modern Logistics Laboratory Project Evaluation of Shandong Transportation Vocational College

  8. 山东金融职业学院图书管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Library Management System for Shandong Financial College

  9. 山东科技职业学院国际交流与合作办学&架起通向世界的桥梁

    Shandong Vocational College of Science & Technology

  10. 高等职业技术院校实施双证制工作的探讨山东科技职业学院国际交流与合作办学&架起通向世界的桥梁

    Exploration of Double-Certificates System in Advanced - Vocational Technology College Shandong Vocational College of Science & Technology

  11. 同时降低了山东科技职业学院对实习工作的管理成本。

    At the same time to reduces the internship management cost of Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology .

  12. 所有的受试者都是山东外贸职业学院商务英语专业的大学二年级学生。

    All the subjects are second-year English majors in the Department of Business English of Shangdong Foreign Trade Vocational College .

  13. 系统实现了针对山东经贸职业学院的资产管理业务,完成登记基础材料到资料统计结束的整个流程。

    This system covers the complete process from enlisting the basic information to information counting work of Shandong Economy and Trade Vocational College .

  14. 系统着重解决的是实习管理工作中存在的校企脱离和难以实现实习工作过程性管理的问题,本文设计了实习管理系统,系统可以解决山东科技职业学院在实习管理方面的工作。

    This article introduces the design of student management system ; the system can solve the practical management work of Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology .

  15. 近几年,山东工业职业学院的办学规模稳步提高,有关学生的各种信息量也在大量增加。

    Almost several years , Shandong vocational college of industry the scale running a school improves steadily , various information amounts about student increases by also in a great quantity .

  16. 现如今计算机教学已成为山东工业职业学院习以为常的教学方式,多媒体教学使人们脱离了传统的黑板和粉笔的教学方式。

    Nowadays , computer teaching has become a habitual mode of teaching in Shandong industry vocational college , and multimedia teaching makes people away from the traditional way of teaching where uses blackboard and chalk .

  17. 该学生公寓管理系统主要划分了管理员和用户两种权限,满足了山东工业职业学院对学生信息,宿舍信息,宿舍的分配,管理员值班等日常工作的管理。

    The student housing management system is mainly divided into two administrators and users access to meet the Shandong Industrial Vocational School students , hostels , dormitories Allocation , the administrator on duty , and other day-to-day work of the management .

  18. 可成立山东职业技术学院,实行小学院、大学校的办学模式,将举办三二连读高职的中专学校作为学院的分校,确保实现中高职一体化教学。

    It also suggested that Shandong Vocational College be established under the operation model of ' Small college , Big University ' . The Three + Two-year secondary schools can be served as the branch schools to ensure the integrity of higher vocational education .

  19. 及时的将系统在山东科技职业学院进行部署,试用。认真记录系统用户试用系统的过程中发现的问题,根据用户的意见,及时的调整系统,增强了系统的易用性。

    Timely deployed and trial the system at the Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology , Careful record the problems during the process of user trial , according to the views of users , timely adjustment system , enhance the system to ease used .

  20. 山东商务职业学院随着改革开放的不断深入,学校的建设有了很大的发展,办学条件得到了改善,教学科研设备数量逐年增加。

    With constant development of reform and opening to the outside world , the constructions of the Shandong Business Institute has been developed in large degree , and school-running conditions have been improved , and quantities of equipments used for teaching and scientific research have been increased year after year .

  21. 山东信息职业技术学院基于web的毕业生就业推介系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Graduate Employment Referral System Based on Web of the Shandong Information Professional Technology Institute

  22. 本文介绍了为山东商业职业技术学院开发的基于B/S结构的网上排课系统。

    This paper details the B / S structure on-line course dispatching system for Shandong Vocational and Technical College of Commerce .

  23. 山东信息职业技术学院虚拟校园漫游系统

    Virtual Campus Roaming System of Shandong Information Vocational and Technical College

  24. 第二部分写作是根据对位于青岛的山东外贸职业技术学院某一班级进行的两份问卷测试进行撰写的。

    The latter is based on two questionnaire texts of a class from Shandong Foreign Trade Vocational College in the Qingdao .

  25. 加强校企合作促进高技能人才的培养&以山东劳动职业技术学院为例

    Accelerating the Cultivation of the High Skilled Talents by Strengthen the Cooperation between School and Industry & A Case of the Shandong Institute of Labor

  26. 笔者进行了实验研究,历时18周,115名受试者来自山东商业职业技术学院非英语专业的高职生。

    In addition , an 18-week experimental research was carried out . The 115 subjects from non-English majors were involved in Shandong institute of commercial and technology .

  27. 调查结果表明:1.山东药品食品职业学院学生身体状况发展良好,部分测试指标有所提高。

    The results show that : 1 . The development of vocational and technical college students physical condition is good , the part of the test index improved .

  28. 本论文介绍了现代网络教学的概念及发展现状,结合山东电子职业技术学院实际需求,设计实现了一个网络教学智能平台。

    This thesis introduces the concepts of modern network teaching and its development . A network teaching intelligence platform is designed to meet the needs of teaching in Shandong College of Electronic Technology .

  29. 你说的可能是山东省技术学院,又称山东劳动职业技术学院,原称山东省劳动局高级技校。

    You may be the Shandong Institute of Technology , also known as the Shandong Labor Vocational & Technical College , formerly known as Shandong Province Labor Bureau of the High Technical School .