
  • 网络Newar;NIVA;cniva;Newari
  1. 尼瓦佛教独一无二的特征与僧团的特点将会在本文内分析。

    The unique features of the Newar Buddhism and validity of its monasticism is analysed in this article .

  2. 我们记得尼瓦佛教具有相当的地方性色彩的特色,而这些并未在印度的大乘佛教发现过的。

    One should not forget that Newar Buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements , which are not to be found in Indian Mahayana Buddhism .

  3. 这家名为索里斯-尼瓦雪屋酒店的室内温度保持在-4到-7摄氏度之间。

    The inside temperatures at the Sorris-niva Igloo Hotel remain between-4 and-7 degrees Celsius .

  4. 挪威有四家冰屋旅馆,而索里斯-尼瓦雪屋酒店是最大的,而且它的位置是最北的。

    There are four ice hotels in Norway , but the Sorris-niva Igloo Hotel is the largest and northernmost of them .