
ní bó ěr yǔ
  • Nepali;Nepali language
  1. 他们是来寻找所谓的“虫草”的,尼泊尔语叫“yarsagumba”。

    They came in search of what is known as caterpillar fungus , or yarsagumba in Nepali .

  2. 汉语任务主要是大脑半球双侧激活,英语任务及尼泊尔语任务大多为左侧大脑半球激活。

    Aside from the bilateral occipital lobes , both English and Nepali activated areas were the left cerebral hemisphere dominant .

  3. 尼泊尔语任务主要激活了左侧中央前回、额上回及颞上回。

    And the Nepali task demonstrated the activation of left anterior central gyrus , superior frontal gyrus , superior temporal gyrus .

  4. 这些被称为库玛利斯(尼泊尔语处女)的女孩是自出生时就被精心挑选出来的。直到进入青春期前,她们都被视为印度女神时母的化身。

    Handpicked from birth , these pre - pubescent girls are known as Kumaris , which means virgin in Nepalese , and are believed to be incarnations of the Hindu Goddess of Power , Kali .

  5. 在寒假期间,尼泊尔的志愿者会为您提供学习尼泊尔语,如语言,文化和传统,参观名胜古迹的替代活动。

    During the vacation , Nepal volunteers Council offers you alternative activities such as learning Nepali language , culture & tradition , and visiting places of interest .