
  • Yin Enhui;【人名】Eun hye Yun
  1. 基本资料:尹恩惠以韩国女子组合BabyV.O.X成员的身份踏入演艺圈。此后她歌而优则演,其主演的代表作有电视剧《咖啡王子一号店》和《想你》。

    Basics : Yun debuted as a member of girl group Baby V.O.X. She has since moved on to acting and is best known for starring in the TV dramas The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince and Missing You .

  2. 迷人婴儿肥尹恩惠,29岁,演员、歌手、模特

    Knockout chubby Yun Eun-hea , 29 , actress , singer and model

  3. 我写这席话,是因为我想澄清一些关于尹恩惠的误解。

    I write because I want to clear some misconceptions about Yoon Eun hye .

  4. 金钟国,尹恩惠和朱智勋,他们真实的故事是什么?

    Kim Jong kook , Yoon eunhye , and Joo jihoon * What is the real story behind them ?

  5. 特点:尹恩惠在一次接受采访中评价自己长着一张“肉嘟嘟的脸”。

    Characteristic : In an interview , Yun commented on her own looks as " a chubby face . "

  6. 同一众90后演员相比,尹恩惠身上散发着成熟干练的气质,她的美没有侵略性,更多显现出的是端庄和典雅。

    Compared with actors born in the 1990s , Yun radiates an aura of sophistication , with less audacity but more elegance and grace .