
  • 网络little pond;small pond;pond
  1. 记住对自己的能力有信心十分重要,在小池塘里成为大鱼有时候比学校本身更重要。

    Remember the importance of confidence in your abilities , and how being a Big Fish in a little pond can sometimes be more important than your school itself .

  2. 杰里是小池塘里的一条大鱼。

    Jerry was a big fish in a little pond .

  3. 我宁愿做小池塘中的大鱼(宁为鸡首,毋为牛后)。

    I 'd rather be a big fish in a small pond .

  4. 我要做一条在小池塘里的大鱼。

    I want to be a big fish in a small pond .

  5. 现在发现,我只是条在小池塘里的大鱼。

    Turns out , I was just a big fish in a small pond .

  6. 做小池塘中的大鱼

    As Big Fish in the Small Pond

  7. 他喜欢做小池塘里的大鱼。

    He certainly had the pleasure of being a large fish in a small pond .

  8. 在我七岁那年,我的祖父带我去农田旁的小池塘那。

    My grandfather took me to the fish pond under farm when I was about seven .

  9. 它被鱼肉撑得几乎飞不回那个小池塘了。

    He became so stuffed with fish meat that he had trouble flying back to the little pond .

  10. 你提出了一个重要的问题:做大池塘里的小鱼,还是小池塘里的大鱼?

    You raise an important question about small fish in big ponds and big fish in small ones .

  11. 女:我们有一个花园,有一些果树,我们还在小池塘里养了些鱼。

    W : We have a garden and some fruit trees , and we raise some fish in the small pond .

  12. 而对于我们这些剩下的人而言,避开这样的地方,转而寻求小池塘才合情合理。

    For the rest of us , it makes sense to avoid such places and seek out the small ponds instead .

  13. 这名26岁的学员表示,他认为在亚洲学习的优势是:有机会成为小池塘里的一条大鱼。

    The 26-year-old says he sees an advantage to studying in the Asian market : the opportunity to be a big fish in a small pond .

  14. 凯伊:他哦?他是阿费氏,以为自己很了不起,但他只是小池塘里的大鱼。

    Kate : Oh him ? That 's Alvis . He thinks he 's a someone . But he 's a big fish in a small pond .