
  • 网络THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY;the autobiography of benjamin franklin;Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography;The Autobiography of Ben Franklin
  1. 叙述中的权力&论《富兰克林自传》中的男权意识

    Power in Narration & an Analysis of Male Chauvinism in the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

  2. 本文尝试从叙事学的视角揭示《富兰克林自传》所蕴含的叙事美学,并向读者展示它是如何建构一个有关身份的神话的。

    The present study attempts to explore the narrative aesthetics of Benjamin Franklins Autobiography from the angle of a contextualized narratology .

  3. 该篇论文由六个部分组成。引言部分介绍了富兰克林及其自传在美国历史上的地位。

    The thesis consists of six parts : Introduction which is used to talk about the historical statuses of Franklin and his Autobiography in the America .

  4. 本杰明。富兰克林没的自传是本真正的美国作品,本用英语写的自传。

    Benjamin Franklin 's uncompleted Autobiography is perhaps the first real American writing as well as the first real autobiography in English .