
shěn jì dànɡ àn
  • auditing files;auditing archives
  1. 审计档案是国家档案的重要组成部分。

    Audit archives are an important part of the state archives .

  2. 浅谈县级医院审计档案的管理

    Talk about the management of audit archives in county level hospital

  3. 认真贯彻执行国家关于审计档案管理工作的法规,依法建立本机关的审计档案管理工作规章、制度;

    To implement state regulations on management of audit archives and establish regulations and systems for management of audit archives within their own institutions ;

  4. 建立综合审计项目档案的探讨

    An Exploration of Establishing the File of Comprehensive Audit Program

  5. 为此,应从组织、程序、安全、审计、档案等五个方面加强和完善内部控制。

    So internal control should be perfected from the five aspects of organization , procedures , safety , auditing and filing .

  6. 在年度审计、财务档案管理、单独建账和不相容职务分人担任方面做得较好,不合格比例均低于10%。

    The financial management situation in the annual auditing , financial archives management , account setting independently , and incompatible duties with several people respectively were better , the unqualified number was less than 10 % . 3 .

  7. 从2004年起,我国学者尝试对内部审计的问题进行实证检验,而迄今为止,内部审计的档案研究仍很匮乏。

    There is a little number of empirical researches about internal audit from 2004 .