
ān rán
  • safely;safe;calm;tranquilly;in a state of repose;well and in good shape
安然 [ān rán]
  • (1) [well and in good shape;safe]∶平安无事地

  • 他整夜安然呆在防空洞里

  • (2) [calm;tranquklly;in a state of repose]∶安静地

  • 安然入睡

安然[ān rán]
  1. 她相信海伦已经安然入睡后就去上班了。

    She had gone to work believing Helen was safely tucked up in bed .

  2. 他们随后答应,会等到夜深人静、HSE的人安然入睡时再试一次。他们向我保证,我的自行车第二天一早就能重获自由。

    The men then promised to try again in the dead of night when the HSE would be tucked healthily and safely into their beds . They assured me that my bike would be free the next morning .

  3. 被绑架的儿童在交付了赎金后均安然回到家中。

    The kidnapped children were all ransomed and returned home unharmed .

  4. 各人质历尽磨难后安然生还。

    The hostages emerged from their ordeal unscathed .

  5. 他们安然逃过了撞车事故。

    They escaped from the crash uninjured .

  6. 卡车司机安然脱险,但有一位行人受了伤。

    The lorry driver escaped unhurt , but a pedestrian was injured

  7. 汽车报废了,但是大家都安然脱险。

    The car was a write-off , but everyone escaped unharmed

  8. 该市曾面临种族危机,不过已经安然渡过。

    The city had faced racial crisis and come through it

  9. 多丽丝·布朗闭上眼睛,安然入睡。

    Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep .

  10. 行李安然运到。

    The luggage arrived safe and sound .

  11. 由于具有上述优点,在鸟群中它从不受到排斥,也避免了人类对它的伤害,安然地保全着自己的生命。

    Thanks to these traits , they survive safe and sound , not elbowed out by other birds and hurt by humans .

  12. 安然事件后CPA业务的新发展

    Recent Development of CPA Business Since the Enron Scandal

  13. 安然(enron)时代的丑闻(mba毕业生在其中起了突出的作用)也曾经引发过类似忧虑。

    The enron-era scandals , in which MBA graduates featured prominently , prompted similar anxieties .

  14. 安然(Enron)和世界通信公司(WorldCom)为墨守成规的行业带来了创新。

    Enron and WorldCom were bringing innovation to hidebound industries .

  15. 我给安然公司(Enron)写了信

    I wrote to the Enron people .

  16. 二十一世纪初,安然事件的发生带来了《萨班斯&奥克斯利法案》(SOX法案)。

    Early 21st century , Enron happened to bring the Sarbanes-Oxley Act ( SOX Act ) .

  17. 在美国国内,它还让安然度过危机的高盛(goldmansachs)等银行产生了令人尴尬的巨额利润。

    Back home , it has also produced embarrassingly large profits at banks that weathered the crisis well , such as Goldman Sachs .

  18. 他们也有过七年之痒,不过当陈建州在去年的一场NBA比赛中向范范求婚时,他们的感情也安然度过了危险期。

    They had a seven years ' itch , but survived it when Chen proposed to Fan during an NBA game last year .

  19. 正如美国由于安然一案而制定了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》(Sarbanes-OxleyAct)一样,调整性的变化不仅刺激了客户对会计服务的需求,也令公司对员工的需求量增大。

    Regulatory changes , such as America 's Sarbanes-Oxley Act , have boosted demand from clients not just for accountants'services but also for their staff .

  20. 有些人可能还会将其与过去的金融欺诈事件进行比较,例如安然(Enron)或马多夫(Madoff)事件。

    Some may be tempted to draw parallels with past financial frauds , such as Enron or Madoff .

  21. 安然(enron)许多人的名字本来也应该给那些倒霉的投资者和员工一些提醒:要出问题了。

    At Enron the names should also have been a clue to hapless investors and staff that something was amiss .

  22. 安然事件这一丑闻曝光之后,美国出台了Sarbanes-Oxleyact(萨班斯法案),其中一部分内容是对上市公司的内部控制的信息做出了强制性披露的规定。

    After the Enron , the U.S. introduced Sarbanes-Oxley Act ( SOX ), which asks all of listed companies to disclose the information about theirs internal control .

  23. 坎特维尔一直以对能源市场的强硬立场而著称,当初她还是一名资历尚浅的参议员,就已经同安然(Enron)展开了较量。

    Cantwell is known for her strong positions on energy market issues after tangling with Enron while still a junior senator .

  24. 这家咨询公司曾是安然(Enron)的长期顾问,麦肯锡有两名咨询师曾在《麦肯锡季刊》中称赞安然的业务模式。

    The firm was a long-standing adviser to Enron , whose business model two of its consultants praised in the McKinsey Quarterly .

  25. 2001年10月16日,安然(Enron)召开财报电话会议,第一次向世人提醒其表外安排的毒性。

    On October 16 2001 , Enron hosted the earnings call that first alerted the world to the toxicity of its off-balance-sheet arrangements .

  26. 当然,如果这样的容忍没有底线,也许某一天你醒来,结果发现自己的公司突然成了第二个安然(Enron)。

    The trouble with letting too much slide , of course , is that one day you wake up and you 're Enron .

  27. 然而,即使投保人自身出现了过失,只要不是像安然(enron)事件中那样彻头彻尾的欺诈,该保险都会予以赔付。

    Yet , other than in Enron-style cases of outright fraud , this insurance pays out even if the insured has messed up .

  28. 就像它们在最后一刻下调评级把安然(enron)钉死在了棺材里一样,这次可能也意味着末日降临至少是对花旗而言。

    Just as their last-minute downgrades of Enron nailed its coffin , these also might be the end , at least for Citigroup .

  29. 安然的竞争对手,从dynegy到elpaso,也都纷纷采取多样化策略,进入能源交易领域。

    Competitors to Enron , ranging from Dynegy to El Paso , had also diversified into energy trading .

  30. 国会在近期通过了封堵所谓“安然漏洞”(enronloophole)的法案,并授予cftc更大权力对衍生品柜台交易(over-the-counter)市场进行监管。

    Congress recently approved legislation closing the co-called " Enron loophole " and giving greater authority to the CFTC to oversee over-the-counter derivatives markets .