
  • 网络Antigone
  1. 他认为,安提戈涅的美与崇高是产生悲剧效果的基础,而她在悲剧中拟人化的疯狂冲动(Ate即迷恋)对观众读者具有净化作用。

    He claims that Antigone 's beauty and sublimation are the foundation of the tragic effect and Ate , personified in the tragedy , has the power of catharsis .

  2. 伦理与法制的冲突:析《安提戈涅》

    The Clash between Ethic and Law : An Analysis of Antigone ;

  3. 孝:安提戈涅的哈马提亚

    Filial Piety : Antigone 's Hamartia

  4. 刑法规范与人之常情&从《安提戈涅》看刑法的悲剧美

    Criminal Law and Common Feeling : Thinking On the Beauty of Criminal Law Tragedy after Reading Antigone

  5. 但事实上,安提戈涅维护的并非完全是个体情感与人性,而更多的是家庭荣誉与义务。

    However , it is not only individual emotions and humanity but also family honor and responsibilities that Antigone tries to defend and fulfill .

  6. 拉康以亚里士多德《诗学》中关于悲剧的净化作用为出发点对古希腊悲剧,尤其是对索福克勒斯的《安提戈涅》进行了解读分析,形成了自己独特的悲剧理论。

    With the help of Aristotle 's insight of tragic catharsis in Poetics , Jacques Lacan analyzes Sophocles ' Antigone and develops his peculiar and general tragedy theory .

  7. 从苏格拉底的审判、安提戈涅的悲剧开始,西方漫长的法律思想史为现代社会对这一理论的研究准备了丰富而又详实的资料,对更为深入的研究奠定了基础。

    From the judgment to Socrates and the tragedy of Antigone , the long history of the thought of law in western has prepared very rich and detailed materials for the research of this theory , and established abundant base to the further research .