
  • 网络Safety supervision;Safety Administration
  1. FDA药品安全监管体系的改革调整及启示

    Reform Measures and Suggestion of the Drug Safety Supervision System of FDA

  2. 南海区食品生产质量安全监管问题研究

    Study of Food Production Quality and Safety Supervision of Nanhai District

  3. 《条例》指出,要强化粮食质量安全监管,建立健全粮食流通质量安全风险监测体系,规定粮食收购者收购粮食,应当按照国家有关规定进行质量安全检验。

    Underscoring the inspection for monitoring the safety risks in the process of circulation . It also requires grain purchasers to conduct quality checks as per national rules .

  4. NET平台下安全监管信息系统的设计与软件分布

    The design and software distributing of the safety supervising MIS based on the . NET platform

  5. 但是随着我国制药行业的快速发展,现行GMP已不能完全满足国家进一步提升药品质量及安全监管水平的需要,甚至成为制药企业深度参与国际医药市场竞争的客观障碍。

    But with the rapid development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry , the current GMP can not meet improve the safety and quality of medicine produces , and even become a barrier for China pharmaceutical enterprises deeply participating international marketing competition .

  6. 从安全监管角度出发,本文提出了模糊安全等级评价方法,用于评价塔吊安全生产过程的安全等级,将安全评价结果直观显示在LCD上,提高操作员的安全意识。

    From a security perspective , this paper put forward the fuzzy safety grade evaluation method , which was used to evaluate a tower crane running safety ratings , and the safety evaluation result was showed on the LCD to enhance the safety awareness of the operator .

  7. 另有消息称,所有美国制造的飞机的主要安全监管机构&美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)去年末曾通知航空服务运营商说,波音777存在一个潜在的结构性缺陷,可能导致飞机在空中解体。

    It has also emerged that the US Federal Aviation Authority , the lead safety regulator for all US-built aircraft , had made operators aware late last year of a potential structural weakness in Boeing 777 aircraft that could lead to the aircraft breaking up in mid-air .

  8. 论如何完善我国动物源性食品安全监管体系

    How to Modify Animal - borne Food Safety System of China

  9. 创新机制推进餐饮服务环节食品安全监管

    Innovate Mechanism to Advance the Food Safety Supervision in Catering Service

  10. 我国食品安全监管的新趋势:无缝隙监管

    Seamless Supervision : New Trend of China 's Food Safety Supervision

  11. 危险化学品安全监管模式与体系的建立探讨

    Discussion about Mode and System Construction of Hazardous Chemicals Safety Supervision

  12. 敏捷建模在煤矿安全监管系统中的应用研究

    Application and Research of Agile Modeling for Coal Safety Supervise System

  13. 新一代网络文化安全监管系统及其应用价值

    The New Generation Network Culture Security Administration System and Its Application Value

  14. 从可疑不良事件报告看医院医疗器械安全监管

    Improvement of the medical device management through the suspicious harmful events reporting

  15. 船舶运输精矿粉的安全监管

    Safety control and management of vessels shipping the mineral concentrates

  16. 建立并强化食品安全监管和控制手段。

    Establish and intensify the measures for food hygiene supervision and control .

  17. 面向网络安全监管的主机代理技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Hosts Agent for Network Security Monitoring and Management

  18. 抓好落实:做好民航安全监管的关键

    Practice , the Key Point in Civil Aviation Safety Surveillance

  19. 中美食品安全监管机构之比较

    Compare on the Food Safety Administrations between China and America

  20. 广东出口玩具质量安全监管政策评价

    The Evaluation for Quality Safety Supervisory Policy of Guangdong 's Toy Export

  21. 我国危险化学品安全监管网络整合研究

    Research on the Integration of Hazardous Chemical Safety Supervision Network in China

  22. 我国公众参与食品安全监管的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Public Participation Management in the Food Safety in China

  23. 工程保证担保与灾后重建工程安全监管

    Surety Bond and Safety of Engineering In Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction

  24. 印度煤矿的安全监管

    Safety Supervision and Management of Coal Mines in Indian

  25. 网络治理理论视角下食品安全监管问题研究

    The Study of Food Safety Management in the View of Network Governance Theory

  26. 构建权责明晰的食品安全监管体系

    Building the Inspection System of Authority and Responsibility of China 's Food Security

  27. 第四章,国外的食品安全监管制度概述及启示。

    Chapter IV , the foreign food safety regulatory system overview and inspiration .

  28. 从三聚氰胺事件探讨我国的食品安全监管体系

    Discussion on Food Safety Supervision and Management System from Angle of Melamine Events

  29. 强化农产品质量安全监管。

    And to strengthen the supervision of food safety .

  30. 从本质上说,日本的核安全监管体系已经名存实亡。

    At its core , Japan 's nuclear safety regulatory regime was phoney .