
  • 网络Baby you're a firework
  1. 那女孩子年纪虽小,打扮得脸上颜色塞过雨后虹霓、三棱镜下日光或者姹紫嫣红开遍的花园。

    Though a young girl , her face was made up in colors to rival the rainbow after a rain , sunlight through a prism , or a gaily arrayed flower garden in full bloom .

  2. 高原附近,姹紫嫣红开遍——橙黄的马樱丹花、紫色的公主花、粉红的含羞草、各式各样的兰花和凤梨花竞放,煞是好看。

    A myriad of plants and flowers can be found near the plateau , including the orange and yellow lantana , the purple Princess Flower , the pink Mimosa and many types of orchids and bromeliads .