
  • 网络Ginger;Ginger oil;essential oil
  1. 结果表明,从姜精油中分离到127种化合物,用GC/MS联用鉴定出其中97种主要化合物。

    97 of the 127 compounds in separating ginger essential oil were identified with GC / MS.

  2. 姜精油的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS analysis on essential oil of ginger

  3. 利用分子蒸馏对超临界CO2萃取得到的姜油树脂进行纯化从而得到姜精油。

    Molecular distillation was used to purify the essential oil from ginger oleoresin extracted with supercritical CO2 .

  4. 影响同时蒸馏萃取(SDE)技术对姜精油提取效果的相关因素,包括物料粒径、原料是否浸泡、原料是否加盐、蒸馏提取时间、蒸馏提取温度、料液比等。

    The parameters having effect on SDE include particle 's diameter , whether immersed and added salt , distillation time and temperature and the material to water ratio .

  5. 姜精油的提取、分析及纯化研究

    Study on Extraction , Analysis and Purification of Ginger Essential Oil

  6. 超临界流体萃取姜精油主要工艺条件的研究

    The main conditions for the extraction of ginger essential oil by SFE

  7. 研究了两种不同的方法对姜精油的提取。

    The differences of two extraction methods were studied .

  8. 姜精油的GC/MS分析研究

    Determination of Ginger Essential Oil by GC / MS

  9. 不同方法提取姜精油的对比分析

    Contrasting analysis on principal ingredients of ginger essential oil from different ways of extraction

  10. 一种治疗痤疮的天然功能性护肤品&珊瑚姜精油乳剂的研制

    Preparation of Natural Functional Cosmetics for Acne & Emulsion of Essential Oil of Zingiber Corallinum Hance

  11. 姜精油、油树脂是运用现代加工技术提取生姜得到的两种深加工产品。

    Ginger essential oil and ginger oleoresins are two deep processing products of ginger by modern processing technology .

  12. 姜精油可抑制血瘀大鼠内源性以及外源性凝血途径,能改善血瘀大鼠的高凝状态。

    Ginger essential oil could inhibit endogenous and exogenous coagulation pathway in blood-stasis rats , and could ameliorate high coagulation state in blood-stasis rats .

  13. 为了获得安全性好、纯度较高的姜精油,论文重点研究了各种不同的工艺条件对提取纯化效果的影响,并确定了适宜工艺参数。

    For getting safety and highly purified ginger essential oil , the various procedure effects on the extraction and purification were studied and the best procedure parameters were acquired .