
  • 网络ohrid
  1. 这座与奥赫里德同名的湖泊和这座城镇都受到了关注。

    Both the lake , also called Ohrid , and thecity are getting some attention .

  2. 奥赫里德湖周围年轻小伙子,卖鱼站在路旁挥手鳗鱼和刚捕获的渔获物在过往车辆。

    Around Lake Ohrid young lads , selling fish stood on the side of the road waving eels and their freshly caught catch at the passing motorists .

  3. 根据传说,奥赫里德境内及周围共有365座教堂和修道院。

    Legend has it there were 365 churches and monasteries in and aroundOhrid .

  4. 在司米斯基死后的第二年,塞缪尔沙皇建立起一个强大而疆域广阔的保加利亚王国,它的中心在奥赫里德。

    In the years following the death of Tzimiskes the tasr Samuel managed to build a large and powerful Bulgarian empire with its center at Ochrid .

  5. 从远处来看,奥赫里德似乎数百年来都没有什么改变--仍是一个童话般的遥远古城,周围环绕着白雪皑皑的山峰,山下有一座古老的湖泊映着倒影。

    From a distance , Ohrid looks like itschanged little over the centuries-a fairy-tale faraway place ringed bysnowcapped peaks , reflected in an ancient lake that lies beneath it .

  6. 这座教堂叫圣索菲亚教堂,在1000第纳尔的马其顿钞票上可以看到这座教堂的图样。数百年来,奥赫里德本身一向被称为巴尔干半岛的耶路撒冷。

    This one , St. Sofia 's is on the country 's 1000 denar banknote , and thecity itself for centuries was known as the Jerusalem of the Balkans .

  7. 从古老城镇的蜿蜒巷道到无数的考肯挖掘地,我们可以见到奥赫里德的过往一层层堆积了起来。不过,湖泊映现出的历史尤其令人赞叹。

    From the winding alleys of the old town tothe myriad archeological digs , Ohrid 's past can be seen laid layer upon layer.But nowhere is the arc of history more stunningly revealed than .