
  1. 但此时的危机已不同于传统的王朝危机,由于西方文化的挑战,可以说整个传统天下文化共同体都面临着存亡危机。

    But this time the crisis was different from the traditional dynastic crisis , because of the challenges from Western culture , the traditional " tianxia " cultural community are facing survival crisis .

  2. 天下观与文化中国的历史建构

    The concept of the World " and historical construction of " rejuvenating traditional Chinese culture

  3. 嵩山传说内蕴着河南人民天下之中的文化心态,也透露出河南人民太阳崇拜文化心态和积淀着河南人民对远古婚姻、古代灿烂技术文化的追忆和崇敬之情。

    The legends about Song Mountain imply the cultural ideas of the center in China and worship of the sun of those people in Henan province , and they also reveal their recollection and admiration for ancient marriages and advanced technology and splendid culture .

  4. 自古中原多豪杰得民心者得天下&新乡牧野文化浅说

    Many Heroes in Central Plains since Ancient Times , of Whom the Popular One Wins the World & An Introduction to Muye Culture

  5. 接着便需要进一步提升,让华语华文也成为新加坡公众知识分子在讨论家国天下大事,进行文化传承和创新以及记录精致思维的重要资源。

    Further upgrading is needed to make Chinese a major medium through which singapore 's public-minded intellectuals can discuss important national and even global issues , pass down and enrich their cultural heritage and record their delicate and profound thoughts .

  6. 本文认为中国礼文化的人文精神是以人之文化存在为本,着重通过人自身以及人与人、人与自然、人与社会之间关系的恰当把握来化成天下的一种文化精神。

    This article regards the existence of humane culture as the fundament of the humane spirit of Chinese etiquette culture . The humane spirit civilizes the world emphatically by grasping appropriately the relations between human and its own , human and nature , human and society .