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  • Major fracture;major dislocation
  1. 火成岩发育的大断裂交汇处是CO2气的运聚中心,局部次级断裂对CO2聚集成藏起着重要影响。

    A junction of faults created by eruptive growth is considered a center for CO2 migration and gathering .

  2. 断裂构造十分发育,主要为NE向断裂构造,其次为南北向断裂以及次级裂隙,主要有三条大断裂构造。

    The fault structures are well developed , mainly are North-east trending faults , followed by the NS-trending faults and secondary cracks .

  3. NNE向发育的张性郯庐大断裂穿越其中。

    Extensional big Tan Lu rupture developed toward NNE direction traversed Huabei platform .

  4. 台湾东海岸受单一方向(NNE向)大断裂的控制,海岸线分维值接近于10。该项研究对加深海岸线分形机理的认识具有重要的意义。

    When it is controlled by only one fault or by faults in the same direction , the value of fractal dimension of the coastline would be close to 1.0 .

  5. 霍山西麓山前大断裂的深部延伸为直立状,深度达莫霍面(38km)。

    Huoshan west-margin fault is perpendicular fault , and deeps down to the Moho discontinuity surface ( 38km ) .

  6. 研究区域的基底断裂构造十分发育.EW、NEE和NE向基底大断裂宏观上构成和控制区域地质构造的基本格架;

    Fault structures of basement in the study area develop well . The large basement faults in EW , NEE and NE directions construct and control the principle frame of the regional geological structure on a grand scale .

  7. 大断裂控制古生界潜山的分布。

    The distribution of paleozoic buried hills is controlled by regional fault .

  8. 凭祥&东门大断裂(凭祥段)的变形特征和运动学研究

    Deformation Characteristics and Kinematics of Pingxiang - Dongmen Deep - Seated Fracture

  9. 矿床受控于由阿尔金大断裂派生的北西向韧脆性剪切带中。

    The deposit is controlled in NW-trending shear zone derived by Altyn fault .

  10. 深、大断裂与裂谷多期次活动带;

    Multi - phase active zone of deep major fault and rift valley ;

  11. 大断裂处的重力梯度展布显著。

    The gravity grads belt corres - ponding to big rupture is very obvious .

  12. 这也可能是跳入那个历史大断裂的好时机。

    It may also be the right moment to leap into that historical breach .

  13. 红河断裂是中国主要的区域性大断裂之一。

    The Red River fault is one of the major regional faultings in China .

  14. 西拉木伦河断裂带为规模巨大、具重要作用的区域性大断裂带。

    Xar Moron river fault zone is a large-scale and significant regional fault zone .

  15. 中、下侏罗统地层的展布明显受侏罗纪基底大断裂的控制。

    The distribution of the Middle and Lower Jurassic is obviously controlled by Jurassic basement faults .

  16. 断裂是控制本区油气分布的主要控制因素。基底大断裂控制着烃源岩的展布;

    Fault is the principal factor of controlling the distribution of oil and gas in this region .

  17. 秦岭北缘大断裂断层气与地震危险性

    The fault gases of large faults on the northern fringe of Qinling Mountain and its earthquake risk

  18. 黑沟一栾川大断裂,限定了古华北板块南部活动大陆边缘的边界。

    The major disruption of Heigou-Luanchuan has determined the active continental margin of the ancient north China plate .

  19. 南阳凹陷南部边界大断裂活动性及其对沉积的控制

    Activities of the boundary major fault in the south of Nanyang Sag and their control effect on deposition

  20. 长&柏大断裂带为一个矿泉水出露带,矿泉水资源远景巨大。

    Changshujie-Bojiashan fault zone is the mineral spring water exposure belt , and there is the great resources prospect .

  21. 矿床为碱性玄武岩,以位于大断裂次级构造上为特征。

    The deposit is located in alkali basalt which is controlled by the secondary structural zones of the Dunha-Mishan fault .

  22. 不论岩浆成因还是构造成因,金矿体均受断裂破碎带、断层带或片理化带等构造带控制,产于大断裂带旁侧。

    Whether magma reason or structure reason , the gold mine is all controlled by fracture zone beside large fracture .

  23. 论述下石炭统火山岩及火山碎屑沉积岩、区域性大断裂及次级构造对成矿的控制作用。

    The gold mineralization is controlled by lower carboniferous volcanic and pyroclastic sedimentary rocks , regional faults and secondary structure .

  24. 其中,塔中I号断裂是一条活动时间长的区域性同沉积大断裂,也是一条压扭性逆冲断层。

    Among them , fault No I in the central Tarim is regional synsedimentary fault and a pressure thrust fault shear .

  25. 文章最后指出:唐河大断裂是1626年灵丘地震的阻震构造。

    Finally , it is pointed out that the Tanghe great fault is the earthquake-blocking structure of the 1626 Lingqiu earthquake .

  26. 崇礼&赤城大断裂以南地区,东西部地区经历的温压条件是不同的。

    There are some different P-T conditions between the west and east of the southern area to the Chongli-Chicheng large fracture .

  27. 冀北崇礼赤城大断裂的多相逆冲兼论内蒙地轴隆升的构造制约因素

    Multiphase thrusting of the Chongli - Chicheng regional fracture of North Hebei Province and tectonic factors of Inner Mongolian axis upwarping

  28. 盆地内早白垩世火山喷发带与区域大断裂的展布方向基本一致;

    The early Cretaceous volcanic eruption belt is basically the same with the orientation of the deep fault in the region .

  29. 测线1横穿3个主要构造单元,并被几条大断裂切割,构造最复杂;

    The first sounding line runs across 3 major tectonic units and several major faults , so the structure is most complex .

  30. 分析表明南门场构造存在三大断裂体系,其叠加组合形成了现今南门场复杂构造样式。

    According to the analysis , Nan Menchang Formation consists of3 major fracture systems whose overlapping constitutes the complex patterns of today .