
  • 网络metropolitan area;metropolitan regions;Non-attainment Metropolitan Area
  1. 大城市地区生态保留地划分原则与方法&以南京市为例

    Principles and Methods of Delimitation of Ecological Reserve Land in Metropolitan Area & The Case of Nanjing City

  2. 城市化阶段和大城市地区不同区域人口空间变动&以上海静安区、浦东新区和南汇区为例

    Spatial Demographic Changes within Metropolitan Area during Different Phases of Urbanization

  3. 该指数描述20个主要大城市地区房屋价格情况。

    The index tracks home prices in20 major metropolitan areas .

  4. 我国大城市地区农业生产率比较

    Comparison on Agriculture Productivity among Big Cities in China

  5. 新编辑手记大城市地区的新城发展战略及其空间形态

    On the New Town Development in the Metropolitan Region

  6. 这是几十年来大城市地区最大的灾难。

    This is the largest metropolitan-area disaster in decades ,

  7. 大城市地区慢性危害是常见的。

    Chronic injury in metropolitan region is common .

  8. 主要的大城市地区是被完全渗透的了。

    That the metropolitan areas are saturated .

  9. 大城市地区经济发展水平的度量与区划&以兰州市为例

    Measurement and Division of Economic Development Level in Metropolitan Area s & Lanzhou as the case

  10. 我国大城市地区现代都市农业与农村可持续发展研究

    Study on the Sustainable Development of Modern Metropolitan Agriculture and Rural Area in Metropolitan Regions of China

  11. 大城市地区农村改革的政治生态学分析&以北京市农村地区为例

    The political ecology of rural reform in metropolitan area in China : a case study of Beijing city

  12. 美国大城市地区的报纸广告市场规模仅为5年前的二分之一,而赫斯特集团在这块市场的份额很大。

    Advertising in US metropolitan newspapers , a market to which Hearst is heavily exposed , has halved in five years .

  13. 提要在经济较为发达的大城市地区,区域经济的发展和众多小城镇的崛起已经成为一个普遍的现象。

    In the developed metropolitan region , the rapid development of regional economy and the small towns is a popular phenomenon .

  14. 沿东南部和海湾沿岩的若干大城市地区肺癌率显得高,这同工业化指数是不一致的。

    Several metropolitan areas along the southeastern and Gulf coasts showed high lung cancer rates that failed to correspond with the industrialization index .

  15. 笔者借鉴国外新城发展的经验,提出在我国大城市地区培育大城市地区中等规模新城的发展战略。

    This paper uses the foreign new town experiences for references , brings forward the medium new town development strategy in the metropolitan region .

  16. 生活在非大城市地区的人吸烟的可能性更大(21%-16%),男性吸烟的比例也更大(20%-16%)。

    People who lived in non-metropolitan areas were more likely ( 21-16 per cent ) to smoke , and more men ( 20-16 per cent ) .

  17. 尽管喀布尔这个时期乱成一锅粥,但它和该国各大城市地区一样,仍牢固地保持在政府的控制下。

    Although Kabul took a pasting this time , it remains , along with all the country 's big urban areas , emphatically under government control .

  18. 这股趋势有潜力不仅在经济上而且在文化上重新塑造贝里克郡,这里曾经像停滞不前的一潭死水,如今吸引着来自大城市地区的精明老练的买家。

    The trend has the potential to remake Berwick , not just economically but culturally , as the former backwater draws in buyers from sophisticated metropolitan centres .

  19. 人们想知道,他们是否能拓展这一连接不一定非要借助汽车他们希望,能在大城市地区从一种交通工具无缝切换到另一种交通工具,例如火车、地铁、自行车。

    People want to see if they can broaden this , not necessarily by cars : they want to be able in large urban areas to shift from one mode to the other train , Metro , bicycle quite seamlessly .

  20. 许多欧洲人对零售业的生产率漠不关心,却极力主张避免美国那种滥用土地、放弃使用公共交通的做法,结果形成过于分散、能源浪费的大城市地区。

    Many Europeans could not care less about retail productivity and instead are adamant that Europe must avoid the us 's unregulated land use and starvation of public transport , which have produced its overly dispersed , energy-wasting metropolitan areas .

  21. 20世纪90年代以来在我国大城市地区兴起的都市型农业,是保持城市活力与特色的重要产业,也是农业与城市有机结合的理论与实践成果。

    The metropolitan agriculture had been developing in the metropolis in china since 1990 ' s. It is the important industry of keeping urban vigor and character in practice , it is also the theoretic summarizing of organic integrating city with agriculture in theory .

  22. 大城市地区经济活动相对其他地区更加剧烈,形成了独特的城市热岛效应,与全球气候变暖的趋势叠加,造成大城市地区气候变暖的趋势相对其他地区更加明显。

    Economic activity in metropolitan areas is more intense compared with other areas , forming a unique urban Heat Island Effect ( HIE ) . The HIE along with global climate warming result that the trend of global warming in large urban areas is more apparent compared with other regions .

  23. 在全球化进程中大城市周边地区的演变与发展

    Development of Peripheral Areas of Metropolitan Regions in the Process of Globalization

  24. 大城市边缘地区产业集群发展及实证研究

    Demonstrational Study on Industrial Clusters Development of Urban Fringes

  25. 大城市周边地区小城镇发展研究

    The Study on the Development of Small Cities and Towns of Peripheral Areas of Metropolitan Regions

  26. 目的研究大城市周边地区小城镇的发展模式。

    Aim To study the pattern of development of small cities and towns of peripheral areas of metropolitan regions .

  27. 而其中三分之一的病人都是在肯尼亚第三大城市克斯姆地区及周边地区饱受疟疾困扰。

    A third of all patients in Kenya 's third-largest city , Kisumu , and its environs suffer from malaria .

  28. 过去人们认为大气污染只影响工厂密集、交通繁忙的大城市周围地区。

    It was once thought that air pollution affected only the areas immediately around large cities with factories and heavy traffic .

  29. 李选进表示:在中国的共同基金资产中,前十大城市和地区所占的份额仅为二分之一。

    The top 10 cities and regions in China only account for half of the assets in mutual funds , says Mr Lee .

  30. 大城市外围地区流动人口结构及其城镇建设用地使用特征研究&以深圳市平湖镇为例

    The floating population structure and its land use characteristics in periphery areas of metropolitan & a case study of Pinghu town , Shenzhen Municipality