
  • 网络accenture
  1. “它们大多追求浮华和器件本身,”埃森哲咨询公司研究部总经理约翰・卡兰说道。

    It is about the flashiness and the gadgets , said John Curran , managing director of research at Accenture .

  2. 消费者越来越厌倦企业提供的服务了:埃森哲咨询公司发布了一份来自28个国家的2。8万名消费者的调查报告,结果表明,消费者不再像以前那样痴迷于科技。

    Consumers are becoming increasingly bored with what companies have to offer : A survey of 28,000 consumers in 28 countries released by Accenture found consumers are not as excited about technology as they once were .

  3. 埃森哲咨询公司的研究揭示了消费者这么做的原因:去实体店前,(人们)会先了解某产品是否有货。人们可以体验一下产品,既避免了运费,又可以在实体店得到网上产品的最优价格。

    The Accenture study explains the reasons customers webroom : to know if a product is in stock costs , and to ask stores to match the best online price .

  4. 里奇•莫兰曾担任埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)顾问,同时也是硅谷的风险投资老手,现任咨询与招聘公司AccretiveSolutions(总部位于芝加歌)CEO。

    A former Accenture ( ACN ) consultant and longtime Silicon Valley venture capitalist , Moran is CEO of accretive solutions , a Chicago-based consulting and recruiting firm .

  5. 埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)最近发布的一份调查显示,75%的被访者经常或偶尔在带薪休假期间工作。

    A survey released last week by the consulting firm Accenture found 75 % of respondents work frequently or occasionally during paid time off .

  6. 埃森哲咨询公司(Accenture)芝加哥分部的顾问AndrewFano称,美国最大的十家的网络零售商中,最少六家现在或多或少地在使用个性化价格,但消费者本身很难发现自己所在的处境。

    Andrew Fano , a consultant in Accenture 's Chicago office , reckons that at least six of America 's ten biggest web retailers are now customising prices in some way , but it is hard for shoppers to spot when this is going on .

  7. 据埃森哲咨询公司报道,31%的雇员离开公司是因为没有得到认可。

    According to Accenture , 31 percent of employees leave because of a lack of recognition .

  8. “为了争取到那些在感恩节晚餐之后上线购物的人们,传统的实体零售商在感恩节晚上开业。”克里斯多夫多内利说,一位来自埃森哲咨询公司的顾问。

    " Bricks-and-mortar retailers are opening on Thanksgiving night to preempt people shopping online after their Thanksgiving dinner ," says Christopher Donnelly at Accenture , a consultancy .

  9. 埃森哲咨询公司战略部伦敦办总经理帕耶尔·瓦苏德瓦建议,如果你在校期间有过任何和你感兴趣的工作领域相关的实习经历,不要仅仅罗列出来,而是通过一系列工作中的成果展示出来。

    If you did any internships while in school that were related to your field of interest , don 't just list them . Instead , showcase them through a portfolio of the work you did while at the job , suggested Payal Vasudeva , a managing director in Accenture 's Strategy division in the London office .