
  • 网络Shigeru Ban
  1. 建于19世纪的基督城大教堂(ChristChurchCathedral)在地震中夷为平地,2013年8月,日本建筑师坂茂带领人们用坚硬的纸卷撑起屋顶,建起一座壮丽的过渡期教堂。

    To replace the badly damaged 19th-century ChristChurch Cathedral , a magnificent transitional church by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban openedin August with sturdy cardboard tubes for the roof .

  2. 奥托经常同其他人合作进行设计,他与坂茂(ShigeruBan)合作,设计了2000年德国汉诺威世界博览会上的日本馆,与罗尔夫·古特布罗德(RolfGutbrod)合作设计了1967年蒙特利尔世界博览会上的西德馆。

    Mr. Otto often designed in collaboration with others , collaborating with Shigeru Ban on Japan 's pavilion for the 2000 Hannover Expo in Germany and with Rolf Gutbrod on the West German pavilion at the Montreal Expo of 1967 .

  3. 由过渡而始从坂茂的纸管校舍到过渡性建筑的探讨

    Start from Transition From Paper-tube School-building by Shigeru Ban to the Issue of Transitional Architecture

  4. 占地33000平方英尺的场馆由日本建筑师坂茂设计,旨在展现爬山体验。

    The 33000-square-foot space , designed by the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban , is meant to reflect the mountain experience .

  5. 文章对坂茂及其作品进行了合乎当代文化语境的解读,认为极少主义风格、西方中产阶级审美情趣和价值观是构成其设计思想的重要精神谱系。

    With the anatomy of his works in the contemporary cultural context , the paper deems that the Minimalism , the aesthetic taste and axiology of the middle class in west is the pursue of his projects .