
  • 网络virgin and child;Madonna and Child
  1. 同时文艺复兴时期的美术成就也是非常突出的,尤其是以宗教题材反映时代世俗精神的作品最常见,绘制圣母子的作品更是不计其数。

    Meanwhile , art achievements at that period were extremely outstanding , especially , the most commonest works were those which reflected the era secular spirit with religious subjects , and the Virgin and Child works were countless .

  2. 所以如果你需要一个理由来罗马的话,那就是为了看一眼米开朗基罗的《圣母悼子》。

    If you need just one reason to come to Rome , then this is it .

  3. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,米开朗基罗的真迹《圣母怜子》日前在美国纽约市郊的一户人家中被意外发现。

    Michelangelo 's painting'Pieta'was found with a suburban family in New York , the Daily Mail reported .

  4. 《圣母怜子像》是他那些重要作品中最精细最完美的一件,值得全心投入地去细致观察。

    The Pieta is the most detailed and finished of his important carvings , a work that repays the closest inspection .

  5. 这是米开朗琪罗的圣母怜子雕像,这里的圣母玛丽与耶稣同龄而且都十分开心,无忧无虑。

    that 's Michelangelo 's Pieta , where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they 're both awfully happy and pleasant .

  6. 这就是年轻的米开朗基罗在1499年夏末走近一块新采的卡拉拉大理石准备开始雕刻第一座《圣母怜子像》时面对的一系列难题。

    In no particular order of difficulty , here is a list of the complications facing the young Michelangelo as he approached a block of newly quarried Carrara marble in the late summer of l499 , and prepared to embark upon the carving of his first pieta .

  7. 这个非婚生的孩子&圣母马利亚之子。

    The Babe , the Son of Mary .