
tǔ dì wū rǎn
  • land pollution;land contamination;Contaminated Land
  1. 我们有空气污染,水污染和土地污染。

    We have air pollution , water pollution and land pollution .

  2. 土地污染的一个评价指标:土壤动物

    Soil Fauna Served as an Indicator for Land Pollution

  3. 最后,对动态监测土地污染状况的方法进行了初步的探讨,提出建立基于RS和GIS的土地污染遥感动态监测集成系统。

    In the last , the paper primarily discusses the method of the land pollution dynamic monitoring .

  4. 采油企业如何依法处理土地污染问题

    How Oil Production Enterprises Solve Problems Resulted from Soil Pollution Legally

  5. 论我国农业土地污染纠纷行政解纷制度的建立

    Discussion on the System Establish of Land Pollution Dispute Resolution by Administrative Means

  6. 矿山土地污染危害及污染源探讨

    A Discussion on Hazard of Polluted Land at Mining Areas and Sources of Pollution

  7. 我国土地污染问题及法律对策

    Study on Soil Pollution Problems and Law Countermeasures

  8. 最主要的三类分别是空气污染、土地污染、水污染。

    The three major groups are air pollution , land pollution and water pollution .

  9. 土地污染继水污染和大气污染后成为世界性问题。

    Following the water and land pollution of air pollution to become a worldwide problem .

  10. 土地污染严重;

    The land is seriously polluted ;

  11. 土地污染是陆上采油企业在生产中经常发生、且处理难度较大的问题。

    Oil pollution often takes place in land oil production and is also difficult to be solved .

  12. 约800万英亩土地污染严重,政府表示不宜种植庄稼。

    About 8m acres are so polluted that the government has said planting crops there should be banned

  13. 20世纪70年代,日本爆发的重大土地污染事件,更是为全世界敲响了警钟。

    In the 1970s , the terrible land pollution event which happened in Japan became a world warning .

  14. 土地污染是由不能很快分解或根本不能分解的固体废弃物的沉淀而导致的。

    Land pollution is caused by the deposit of solid waste that cannot be broken down quickly or at all .

  15. 土地污染会影响到动、植物的生命,还使得环境看起来更糟。

    Land pollution can affect the lives of animals and plants , and it makes the environment look very bad .

  16. 土地污染会计指南与实务国际比较及借鉴&兼议我国准则体系的构建思路

    The Comparison and Inspiration of International Land Pollution Accounting Guide and Practice & On the Accounting Standards Framework in China

  17. 我国现有的涉及农村土地污染防治的立法分散地规定在宪法、法律、行政法规、部门规章等法律法规中。

    Now , the existing legislation on land pollution prevention has been scattered in the constitution , laws , administrative rules and regulations .

  18. 本文在介绍我国东部油田分布基础上,重点叙述该区落地油对土地污染现状,并对地表水、地下水、农业生态的影响进行剖析。

    The article has elaborated the current situation of crude oil pollution on land , surface water , underground water and the crops .

  19. 此外,研究区土地污染和退化现象较严重,不利于区域农业经济的可持续发展。

    In addition , the phenomenon of soil pollution and degradation in Qapqal is serious , which make against sustainable development of agriculture economy .

  20. 只有构建了完善的法律体系,才能有效地遏制目前土地污染不断恶化的趋势,为我国经济、社会的可持续发展提供不竭的动力。

    Only setting up a sound legal system , the deteriorating trend can be suppressed . And this will provide inexhaustible power to sustainable development of economy and society .

  21. 矿业开发产生的环境地质问题主要有水土流失、土地污染、地面变形与塌陷、次生崩滑流灾害、水环境污染等。

    Main problems of mine resources exploitation are soil erosion , land contamination , ground deformation and collapse , induced landslide and debris flow , water environment pollution , etc. .

  22. 欧美发达国家为其几百年工业化所造成的污染付出了长期而沉重的代价,土地污染成为他们共同面临的难题。

    Europe and the United States for several hundred years of industrialization developed the pollution caused by long-term and paid a heavy price , land contamination as they face common problems .

  23. 文章探讨了城市化进程中与居住环境相关的几个问题:光污染、施工噪声污染、土地污染、建筑物污染及建筑物疾病;

    Some problems with environment were studied in this paper . Pollution of the environment includes of light pollution , construction noise , polluted land and building pollution and building sick .

  24. 由于水土流失和土地污染的加剧,优质耕地数量减少等原因,湖北省的土地质量总体呈下降的趋势。

    As a whole , the land quality of the province is descending because of the aggravation of soil erosion and land pollution , and the decrement of high quality cultivated land .

  25. 遥感信息既可以作为土地污染研究的主要信息来源,又为土地污染评价与动态监测提供了技术和精度保证,在土地污染评价以及动态监测中具有重要意义。

    Remote Sensing is not only as the information sources of Land pollution research , but also can offer to technology and precision in the land pollution assessment and land pollution dynamic monitoring .

  26. 最后,对落地油土地污染治理方面,提出油坑原油回收、污染土层燃烧处理和换土复垦等措施。

    At the end of this paper , the measures of harnessing land pollution , such as petroleum reclamation on oil pit , polluted soil burn and changing soil reclamation , etc. are proposed .

  27. 利用模糊数学和相关分析得到质量综合指标评价值和环境指标评价值;利用个案分析介绍上海、浙江和江苏的土地污染情况。

    Using fuzzy mathematics and correlation analysis , this article gains the values of comprehensive indicators and environmental indicators . Using case study , this article introduce land pollution in Shanghai , Zhejiang and Jiangsu .

  28. 另一方面,我国建设用地挤占耕地较多,水土流失、土壤沙化、土地污染严重。保护土地资源是一项系统工程:(1)它的质和量的保护不可分割;

    The protection of land resources is even more important in China today because of the large population and land for construction and many other reasons , such as soil erosion , land desertion and pollution of land .

  29. 整治研究包括了完善相关法律制度、理顺管理体制和机构、加强公众参与机制建设、建立法律责任追究制和完善土地污染纠纷与救济机制等方面。

    Including training on improving the relevant legal system , rationalize the management structure and institutions , strengthen the building of a mechanism for public participation , accountability established legal system and improving land pollution disputes with the relief mechanism , and other areas .

  30. 近年来,我国农村地区土地污染严重,农田土壤生态环境日益恶化,已经成为制约农业生产发展和农村经济进步的瓶颈。

    In recent years , our land of rural areas have been polluted seriously . The ecological condition of farmland has also gone worsen gradually . These problems have been the bottleneck which restrict the development of agricultural production and the progress of economic .