
ɡuó jì wǎnɡ qiú lián hé huì
  • International Tennis Federation;International Lawn Tennis Federation
  1. 安妮:戴维斯网球杯锦标赛是国际网球联合会主办的国际网球男子团体赛。

    Annie : The Davis Cup Tournament is a team competition between men organized by the International Tennis Federation .

  2. 有人推测她转会是出于嫉妒玛蒂娜?辛吉斯在国际网球联合会的待遇,这些待遇她没有。

    Some speculate that she might have been jealous of all the deals Martina Hingis was getting from ITF and she wasn 't getting .

  3. 在她坦诚后的一个小时,国际网球联合会在官网上宣布这位28岁的女运动员从3月12日起将被暂时禁赛,禁赛时长待定。一般来说,对初犯者的惩罚是禁赛两年。

    The International Tennis Federation , about an hour after her admission , then said on its website that the 28-year old would be provisionally banned from March 12 " pending determination of the case . " The usual penalty for first-time offenders is two years .

  4. 它是加拿大职业橄榄球联赛(CFL)、国际职业网球联合会(ATP)、NBA发展联盟(NBDL)还是美国职业足球大联盟(MLS)?

    Is it the CFL , ATP , NBDL or MLS ?

  5. 国际草地网球联合会

    International Lawn Tennis Federation