
  • 网络National Economic Mobilization Potential;National Economy Mobilization potential
  1. 由于蘑菇数据库与本文的国民经济动员潜力分析系统的数据相似性,从而,尝试性应用于后者,达到国民经济动员的目的。

    Because of the comparability between the mushroom data and those data in the national economy mobilization potential analyzation systems , the paper tries to apply the process to the latter and achieve the purpose of national economic mobilization .

  2. 国民经济动员潜力是国民经济体系被动员时的属性。

    It is the utmost potential of national economic system when mobilized .

  3. 国民经济动员能力是打赢高技术战争的客观基础,是国民经济动员潜力转化为保障实力的重要条件,是维护国家安全的重要威慑力量,也是制定国家发展战略的重要依据。

    National economy mobilization ability is objective foundation to win the high technique war , important term that national economic mobilization potential converts to guarantees real strength , an important power of deter to support the national security and important reference to establish national development strategy .