
  1. 加快国有资产出资人制度的建立

    On Speeding up the State-owned Property Investor System

  2. 试论国有资产出资人制度

    On the system of state assets provider

  3. 综观我国当前许多地方在国有资产出资人监管模式的具体应用上,可谓多种多样,不少地方也在反复斟酌何种模式更能扬长避短。

    At present there are many different application forms of the supervision model utilized by the state-owned capital holder in different areas .

  4. 作为国有资产出资人代表的国有资产监督管理机构,应该在深化国有企业收入分配制度改革方面有所作为。

    As the investor of state-owned assets , the state-owned assets supervision and administration facilities must take measures on deepening the reform of the income distributing system .

  5. 建立国有资产出资人制度,合理配置股权,强化所有者约束功能,加强治理结构中的权利组织建设,建立权责分明的组织体系。

    Strengthen the restricting function to the owners and the right and benefit organ in the governing structure and establish the organ system whose right and duty are clearly demarcated .

  6. 国有资产出资人制度是国有资产的资产代表制度、经营管理、奖惩和收益等一系列制度安排的总和。

    State-owned property investor system is a sum of a series of systems such as property representative system , management and administration system , rewards and punishments system and so on .

  7. 本文从利润与利息的矛盾、利润与工资的矛盾、利润与物化成本的矛盾出发,论证了建立国有资产出资人制度的必要性,论述了这一制度的内容构成;

    Starting from the contradictions between profit and interest , profit and wages , profit and material-cost , this paper proves the necessity of building the state-owned property investor system and its components .

  8. 既要保护被转让企业特别是国家也即国有资产出资人的合法权益,又要适当照顾购买方的利益以促使出售的顺利进行。

    Not only the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises being transferred , especially the rights and interests of State , but also the rights and interests of buyer are needed to be protected to make the transfer works smoothly .

  9. 国有资产:出资人代表与经营者的管理问题

    State-owned property : management of investor representative and operator

  10. 所以,亟需完善相关规定,在明确国有资产授权经营公司为国有资产出资人代表的基础上,妥为构建国有资产授权经营法律制度。

    The author considers that the establishment of the legal system should be based on the principle that the authorized operation corporate of state assets is the represent of state assets buyer .

  11. 非上市股份有限公司国有股权进行转让的,经国有资产出资人同意,应当由产权交易市场托管。

    State equity rights in a non-listed limited company , when transferred , shall , with the consent of the funds provider of state assets , be trusted to the property rights trading market .

  12. 国有资产经营公司这一市场主体(也是国有资产授权经营过程出现的一种新的国有资产出资人主体)的创造,搭建了政府与市场之间的沟通桥梁。

    The creation of state-owned assets management enterprise as a main market player ( also a new state-owned assets investor during the course of authorized operation of state-owned assets ) has set up a bridge for communication between the government and the market .

  13. 在目前的国有资产监督管理体制中,中央和地方国资委分别代表国家对除金融资产以外的经营性国有资产履行出资人职责,行使所有者权益。

    In current system of state-owned assets , the state-owned supervision and administration commission of the state council and the same institutions of local governments are representatives of the State respectively . They perform as the owner of state-owned assets and exert the ownership .