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  • store goods
  1. 每次回店里“囤货”的时候,她信心洋溢。整个香水配对过程不足20分钟,感觉就像做了一次个性整修。

    Done in under 20 minutes , a perfume profiling session feels like a personality refitting .

  2. 在整个危机期间,可口可乐将生产重点转移到更大的散装包装上,以吸引呆在家里更久并在杂货店囤货的消费者。

    Throughout the crisis , Coke shifted its production to focus on larger bulk packaging to appeal to consumers who were spending more time at home and stocking up at the grocery store .

  3. 夏季大促销来临了,该好好为明年的衣服囤货了。但要记住,小宝宝一年的身体成长变化十分大。

    With the summer sales in full swing it makes sense to stock up on clothes for next year , but bear in mind how radically a toddler ’ s body changes in 12 months .

  4. 不过,除非你在为万圣节囤货,否则可别急于购买银河系牛奶巧克力(MilkyWay)或士力架(Snickers)巧克力棒。

    But unless you are stocking up for Halloween , do not rush to buy Milky Way or Snickers bars .

  5. LNG价格每年冬季都会上涨,但今年亚洲LNG价格的上涨要早于以往,买家早在去年10月末就开始囤货。

    Liquefied natural gas prices surge every winter , but the trend began earlier than usual this year in Asia , with buyers stocking up as early as late October .

  6. 连锁超市配送中心过节囤货问题探讨

    Discussion on problem of festival goods stores of distribution center in supermarket chain

  7. 许多囤货商失去了信用保险,他被迫取消很多订单。

    Many stockists lost their credit insurance , forcing him to cancel orders .

  8. 大宗商品市场可能出现了小型泡沫,而中国的囤货行为又进一步刺激了泡沫的膨胀。

    There may be a mini-bubble in commodities , additionally inflated by Chinese hoarding .

  9. 过去一年里,监管部门一直在鼓励囤货,以提振稀土价格。

    Over the past year , regulators have encouraged stockpiling to help boost prices .

  10. 每次回店里“囤货”的时候,她信心洋溢。

    Each time she returned to stock up on it , she reeked of confidence .

  11. 他说,有些导游会买门票,但不会把票给旅游团,而是自己囤货。

    Some tour guides will buy the admission tickets but then not hand them over to the group , instead hoarding the bears for themselves , he said .

  12. 随着印度棉花出口量跃升至1200万包,大大高于预计的可出口盈余840万包,该国指出,这是一种国外保税仓库的囤货倾向。

    India noted what it described as a tendency of hoarding in bonded warehouses abroad as export registrations jumped to 12m bales , well above its estimated exportable surplus of 8.4m bales .

  13. 本文通过分析过节囤货问题的危害及其原因,并结合我国连锁超市的实际情况,提出了解决该问题的方案。

    Based on the analysis of the hazards and reasons of festival goods store , associated with China 's actual situation of supermarket chains , a solution to the problem has been put forward .

  14. ,由传统仓库向配送中心的改变是一个痛苦的过程,而这个痛苦的过程的表现之一就是文中的过节囤货系列问题。

    The change from the traditional warehouse to distribution center is a painful process , and " a series of problem about festival goods store " is one of the manifestation of the painful process .

  15. 尽管目前有大量库存积压着,交易员和银行却在继续买进铝,想通过囤货获利,这种行为提升了铝价。从去年12月的低位算起,铝基准价格至今已上涨近10%。

    Despite the large inventory overhang , traders and banks are keeping prices elevated by buying aluminium to make a profit from storing it and benchmark prices have risen nearly 10 per cent from their December lows .