
  • 网络quadrupole mass spectrometer;QMs
  1. 他们用四极质谱仪测得作为炉-口距分布函数的(Na(14)Cl(13))~+集团的产额。

    They obtained the yield of ( Na14Cl13 ) + clusters as a function of oven-nozzle distance with the quadrupole mass spectrometer .

  2. 采用四极质谱仪测量了试验参数对高压脉冲增强射频磁控溅射PTFE靶等离子体气氛的影响规律。

    Quadrupole mass spectrometer was used to analyze the plasma environment of RF magnetron sputtering PTFE target with pulsed bias .

  3. 用四极质谱仪对等离子体状况进行了系统的分析,发现B2H6完全被电离而N2只是部分被电离。

    B_2H_6 was found to be ionized totally , while N_2 was only partially ionized .

  4. 利用分子束和四极质谱仪实验研究了Fe(CO)5分子在XeCl准分子激光作用之下的光子电离质谱。

    Multiphoton ionization mass spectra of Fe ( CO ) _5 induced by XeCl excimer laser were studied with a molecular beam and a quadrupole mass spectrometer .

  5. 由四极质谱仪的分析结果发现,CF4等生成物的谱峰强度随射频(RF)功率的增加几乎线性地减小。

    From quadrupole gas analyzer , the intensity of spectral peaks for CF 4 and products reduces almost linearly with increase of RF power .

  6. 主要讨论了如何使VG-quattro四极质谱仪微机磁盘操作系统(DOS)升级、如何充分利用各种分析仪器所配微机系统资源及如何多重配置微机系统给出了相应的配置文件。

    How to upgrade the DOS of the computer for VG-quattro MS-MS system take advantage of the computer system resources and multi-configurate the system will be discussed in this paper . The multiple configuration files are provided .

  7. 采用四极质谱仪在线测定了CD4和CH4同位素色谱总分离度(K1)与色谱条件、进样量之间的关系。

    The total separating size ( K1 ) of CD4 and CH4 was detected by quadrupole mass spectrometer on line , and the relation of K1 and vary chromatographic conditions and sample volume were tested .

  8. 本文在分析微机化四极质谱仪现状的基础上,以国产ZLS-150型四极质谱仪为原型,进行了四极质谱仪微机控制和数据处理系统的研制,提出了最小二乘质量标定方法。

    A microcomputer-based system for control and data processing of a ZLS-150 quadrupole mass spectrometer is developed and described in detail in this paper . Least-sqare technique is adoped for handling the mass calibration .

  9. 四极质谱仪的功能开发及其在托卡马克装置上的应用

    Function Development and Appliance of Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer in the Tokamak Device

  10. 用四极质谱仪分析锆铝吸气剂泵的某些特性

    Some Characteristics of Zr Al Getter Pump Analyzing with Quadrupole Mass spectrometer

  11. 高性能四极质谱仪数据采集系统设计与实现

    Design and implementation of high-performance data acquisition system in quadrupole mass spectrometer

  12. 在热脱附实验中用微机控制四极质谱仪大规模地探测反应产物

    Computer-Controlled Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer for Searching Reaction Products in TDS and TPRS Experiments

  13. 四极质谱仪微机控制和数据处理系统

    Control and Data Processing on Quadrupole MS by Microcomputer

  14. 有学者从事了频率扫描工作方式的四极质谱仪研究和实验。

    Some scholars engaged in study of quadrupole MS driven by sweep frequency sinusoidal voltage .

  15. 四极质谱仪应用在大功率速调管上,记录了真空系统中残余气体的谱图。

    The quadrupole mass spectrometer is therefore applied to the high-power klystron to record the residua .

  16. 介绍了四极质谱仪在光阴极转移系统中的应用。

    Application of quadrupole mass-spectrometer in the transfer system for photocathode manufacturing ( PC ) is introduced .

  17. 本文报导了利用四极质谱仪对红外器件真空层残气质谱分析的结果,并用它得到器件热脱刚处理工艺条件。光电导红外器件的烘烤温度可达105℃。

    The analysis results of the residual gases in vacuum jacket of infrared detectors by using quadruple mass spectrometer have been described .

  18. 通过调节仪器操作条件,四极质谱仪完全可以代替磁质谱用于测定重馏分油的烃类组成。

    By adjusting its operation parameters , the quadrupole mass spectrometer can completely replace magnetic mass spectrometer in determing the hydrocarbon types of gas_oil .

  19. 分别论述了四极质谱仪对光阴极转移系统的检漏原理与方法,并对系统内光阴极有害的主要残气成分进行了分析。

    The leak-hunting principle and methods of quadrupole mass-spectrometer are discussed with the main composition of residual gases harmful to photocathode in the system determined .

  20. 目前商用的四极质谱仪均是采用固定频率的正弦射频电压供电,通过改变射频电压的幅值来实现离子的筛选。

    Currently used commercial quadrupole MS are all driven by sinusoidal RF voltage with stable frequency and the filter of ion is realized by changing of amplitude of RF voltage .

  21. 研制频率扫描矩形波电源并用其替换传统四极质谱仪电源,使用矩形波频率扫描的工作方式替代了传统正弦波电压扫描的工作方式,首次获得了新型工作方式下的四极质谱图。

    Sweep frequency rectangular power supply is developed to replace traditional power supply . Frequency sweep operation mode is used to substitute traditional voltage-scanning operation mode and mass spectrograms with new operation mode are attained for the first time .

  22. 液相色谱单四极杆质谱联用仪在2008年北京奥运会兴奋剂检测中的应用

    Application of LC / MS-Quadrupole Technique in Doping Control at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  23. 离子阱检测器的原理不同于四极杆和磁质谱仪。

    The principle of ion Trap Detector ( ITD ) is different from that of quadrupole and magnetic mass spectrometers .

  24. 设计了一个能在四极杆和四极离子阱质谱仪中通用的数字控制系统结构。

    A new architecture of digital control system ( DCS ) was designed , which could be used in both quadrupole mass filter and quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer .