
  • 网络siping city
  1. 截至2007年末,四平市宽带用户数达到10.7万户,其中2M及2M以上接入速率用户占比达到69.7%。

    By the end of 2007 , the number of broadband users in Siping City has reached 10.7 million , of which users of access rate more than 2M , and 2M take up 69.7 % .

  2. 四平市县域产业结构调整之思考

    Thinking about Adjustment of County Region Industrial Construction of Siping City

  3. 四平市儿科抗生素应用状况调查及葡萄球菌耐药性研究

    Study on Antibiotic Uses and Staphylococcus Resistance in Pediatric in Siping

  4. 实行土地规模经营促进农村经济发展&四平市土地规模经营现状及对策研究

    Conditions and Counter - measures of Land Scale Management in Siping

  5. 合成洗涤剂中磷对富营养化湖泊污染作用分析&以吉林省四平市二龙湖为例

    Impacts of phosphor in synthetic detergents on eutrophication of lakes

  6. 四平市降水量与农业干旱研究

    The studies on precipitation and agricultural drought in Siping City

  7. 改善城市环境质量为四平市经济发展提供良好支撑

    Improve Urban Environmental Quality Offer Good Sustain for Develop Siping City Economy

  8. 四平市大气扩散级别的研究

    The research of the air diffusive classes in Siping City

  9. 现任吉林省四平市清真寺教长。

    He is Imam of mosque in Siping city , Jili province .

  10. 四平市地下水开发环境问题研究

    Study on Environmental Problems of Exploiting Groundwater in Siping

  11. 四平市土地资源开发利用问题研究

    The study on the exploitation and use of the land resourses of Siping

  12. 四平市矿业产业结构调整原则与优化浅析

    Some issues on the mining industry structure of Siping City and its reformation

  13. 四平市实行村级计划生育分类管理的实验报告

    Study Report on the Classified Family Planning Management at village level in Siping CIty

  14. 四平市生态环境建设初探

    Study on Eco-environmental Construction in Siping City

  15. 四平市合理开发利用水资源的重要意义

    An important meaning of reasonable development and making use of ground water of Siping City

  16. 四平市的郊游资源及其开发

    Siping 's outing resources and its tapping

  17. 挽救四平市白垩系承压水迫在眉睫

    Saving the Cretaceous confined water-extremely urgent

  18. 四平市城区河流重金属污染现状分析

    The Status Analysis of Heavy Metal Pollution of the Creeks in Urban Area of Siping City

  19. 四平市青少年学生余暇体育活动现状的调查及其对策研究

    A Survey Current Situation and Countermeasure Study of Leisure Sports of the Adolescent Students in Siping City

  20. 白垩系承压水是四平市重要的供水水源地,水量中等。

    The Cretaceous confined water is an important water source in Siping City , which contains middle water capacity .

  21. 吉林省西部地区主要包括松原市、白城市和四平市的双辽市。

    The present situation and control of the local fluorine , arsenic poisoning in the western part of Jilin Province ;

  22. 从而,促进四平市医药产业及区域医药产业竞争力快速增强。

    Thus , the promotion of Siping City , the pharmaceutical industry and the competitiveness of the regional pharmaceutical industry is rapidly increasing .

  23. 本文根据四平市水文地质条件,探讨了四平市地下水系统划分的原则,即拥有独立的含水层系统和完整的水循环系统。

    According to the hydrology geology condition , this paper discusses the principle of the division that is the absolute aquifer system and integrated water circulation .

  24. 本文以四平市为例,从四平市农村居民点土地利用现状出发,建立了评价指标体系,其中包含3个项目层,选取8个评价指标。

    Based on the current land utilizing situation , we will set up an evaluation system , which consists of 3 project hierarchies with 8 evaluation indexes .

  25. 吉林省四平市实行村级计划生育分类管理,经过三年的实践与探索,取得了显著成效。

    Classified management of Family Planning at village level has been implemented in Siping of Jilin Province and remarkable effect has been made after three years of practice and researches .

  26. 介绍了在北京市(大型)、长春市(中型)和四平市(小型)三个具有典型特征的代表城市所做的车辆行驶状况的试验及交通状况的调查结果。

    Situation of motor vehicle driving and survey result of traffic in three typical representative Chinese cities Beijing ( large ), Changchun ( medium ) and Siping ( small ) are presented .

  27. 坐落在东北平原的吉林省四平市与经济发达地区相比更显落后,不利于发展现代化的大农业。

    While compared with the developed area in e-cononry , Siping City of Jilin Province , located in Northeast Plain , is backward relatively , which is not benefit for the modern agriculture .

  28. 本文通过分析四平市水资源及其开发利用情况,并结合社会经济发展状况,进行了水资源供需平衡分析,提出了一些合理化建议。

    This paper has put forward some reasonable suggestions on how to treat them , based on analysis of water resources utilized situation and water supply balance state combining the economy development in Siping City .

  29. 以长春、四平市为中心的吉林中部平原区是吉林省经济最发达的地区和全国商品粮基地。

    The plain in the central Jilin with Changchun and Siping as the center is not only a most developed area in the province , but also a base of producing commodity grain in China .

  30. 其次,结合四平市的资源状况,分析了四平市循环经济的现状及四平市发展循环经济具有的优势,并指出四平市循环经济发展目前存在的主要问题。

    Secondly , combining the resources situation of Siping City to analyze the status of circular economy in Siping City and the development advantages , and pointed out the current main problems of developing circular economy in Siping City .