
  • 网络four girls mountain;Mount Siguniang
  1. 区域地球化学、地球物理资料在四姑娘山地区生态环境评价中的应用

    Application of regional geochemistry and geophysics for ecological environment in Siguniang mountain

  2. 四姑娘山地区的另类地质遗迹&特别元素背景下的奇异植被

    A special geologic heritage in Siguniang mountain & special vegetation in anomalous elements

  3. 川西高原的风情画卷&醉美四姑娘山

    Picturesque four girl ' mountain at the Western Sichuan Plateau

  4. 四川省汶川县四姑娘山地区冰川作用初步考察

    Preliminary Investigation on Glaciation in Siguniang Mountainous Region of Wenchuan County in Sichuan Province

  5. 四川四姑娘山长坪沟无鱼类生存的成因探讨

    A Discussion on the Causes for Non-existence of Fishes in the Changping Valley , Mt. Siguniang

  6. 摘要四川省在风景名胜区经营管理体制改革方面走在了全国前列,出现了典型的“碧峰峡模式”和“四姑娘山现象”。

    With typical " bifengxia model " and " siguliangshan phenomenon ", Sichuan takes the lead in business operation management system reform of scenic resorts .