
  • 网络Karmapa;Karmapas
  1. 噶玛巴在法会上的第二个开示是“修持慈悲心”。

    The topic for this second set of teachings the Gyalwang Karmapa has given at the foundation was'Cultivating Compassion .

  2. 从十六世噶玛巴和顶果钦哲仁波切得到无数灌顶、教导、心要指引。

    He also received numerous initiations , teachings and instructions from His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa and Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche .

  3. 本开示缘起尊贵的大宝法王噶玛巴在之前,授予了观音的口传。

    Due to His great compassion the Karmapa firstly bestowed the Chenrezig oral tranmission .

  4. 此前,法王噶玛巴给予了六字大明咒的口传。

    His Holiness gave the oral transmission in order to recite the six syllable mantra .

  5. 尊贵的第十七世大宝法王噶玛巴受普世责任基金会之邀,于今天在德里召开两天的法会。

    The17th Gyalwang Karmapa today commenced a two-day series of teachings in Delhi at the invitation of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility .

  6. 噶玛巴说,有情众生是无限的,他们的习性也是多样的,所以这更要求我们要有大智慧。

    Gyalwang Karmapa commented that this requires great wisdom and , ultimately , omniscience , since sentient beings are infinite and so are their dispositions .

  7. 在第一段开示中,大宝法王噶玛巴提到了菩提心是佛教徒的修持的核心,也正是佛法的基础。

    The Gyalwang Karmapa began his first talk by noting that compassion is core to all Buddhist traditions , and can rightly be called the essence of the Buddha dharma .

  8. 不同的宗派所强调的重心也皆有不同,但噶玛巴说这两者不论是为己或为他,其实都是本着离苦得乐的目的。

    Different Buddhist vehicles may stress one more than the other , yet Gyalwang Karmapa noted that both consist in the basic wish to remove suffering , either that of oneself or of others .