
  • 网络Empire
  1. 霍华德与汉森一流的演技更是让《嘻哈帝国》这部实力派音乐剧锦上添花。

    Empire 's already potent dose of melodrama is strengthened by stellar performances from both Howard and Henson .

  2. 除了剧情,《嘻哈帝国》的音乐元素也令人印象深刻。

    In addition to holding its own as a drama , Empire 's musical elements also manage to impress .

  3. 但是《嘻哈帝国》中的歌曲却极具说服力,每首歌听上去都像是可以在美国电台播放的。

    With Empire , the songs are convincing , so much so that they sound much like anything that might be played on the average US radio station .

  4. 《嘻哈帝国》由六获奥斯卡提名的制作人、导演兼演员李•丹尼斯亲自操刀编剧(《珍爱》《死囚之舞》也是他的作品),其娱乐性自是不言而喻。

    Created by six-time Oscar nominated producer , director and actor Lee Daniels ( Precious , Monster 's Ball ) , it 's no wonder Empire is so entertaining .