
  • 网络Bullet in the Head;postal
  1. 从《喋血街头》到《无间道》,这个人真的能融入任何一个交到他手上的角色。

    From Bullet in the Head to the Infernal Affairs , the guy can really nail any role that 's handed to him .

  2. 第一次看TonyLeung的电影是1991年在《喋血街头》里,但坦白地说,那部电影给我印象最深刻的是导演吴宇森。

    The first time I saw Tony Leung Chiu Wai was in'Bullet in the Head'in1991 , but honestly , it was the director John Woo who made the biggest impression on me .

  3. 这些曾是动作片大师吴宇森影片(包括经典《喋血街头》和《英雄本色》)的主题。

    These have been the themes of many of action master John Woo 's films , including the classics Bullet in the Head ( Diexue Jietou ) and A Better Tomorrow ( Yingxiong Bense ) .