
  1. 威尔金(WillKing)是KingofShaves的创始人及现任首席执行官,该公司是一家总部位于英国的剃须刀以及剃须啫喱生产商。

    Will King is founder and CEO of King Of Shaves , the UK-based razor and shaving gel company .

  2. 香甜如刚开封的美味啫喱豆。

    As sweet as a bag of mixed gourmet jelly beans .

  3. 正如这瓶沐浴啫喱中的蜂蜜一样。

    Like the conditioning honey in this Shower Gel .

  4. 比如说,如果用的是液体粉底,就要用腮红膏或者腮红啫喱。

    A cream or gel is perfect over liquid foundation , for example .

  5. 为轻柔狄综霜或啫喱。

    For the gentle eye cream or gel .

  6. 客人:我经常用啫喱的。

    Customer : I usually apply gel .

  7. 晶莹啫喱牙膏,配合清香的蓝莓味道,更充满乐趣。

    Crystal clear gel toothpaste , with the scent of blueberry flavor , more fun .

  8. 芦荟啫喱糖的研制

    Development of Jelly with Aloe Juice

  9. 全新设计专用于果冻、啫喱的多层多色急速冷冻灌装。

    A whole-new design is special for multi-layer , multi-color quick-frozen filling of jelly and curry .

  10. 至于啫喱,他都是选用标有“强力定型”或“超强力定型”的产品,因为他喜欢这类产品的定型效果。

    ' With gels , he looks for products that say'strong hold'or'extra hold'because he likes the control they offer .

  11. 他给直发的客户也会用啫喱,也是为了更好地塑型定型。

    He uses gel on clients with straight hair , too , in order to control and shape it .

  12. 客人:对啊。我不得不用很多啫喱让头发保持造型。

    Customer : No kidding . I have to use a ridiculous amount of gel to get my hair to stay .

  13. 用丙烯酸醋酸乙烯酯顺丁烯二酸酐共聚物配制定发啫喱的研究

    Study on the Preparation of Hair Setting Lotion with Copolymer of Acrylic Acid , Vinyl Acetate , Butene Cis - dioic Anhydride

  14. 为了掩饰混乱的公帑帐目和筹集选举经费,市长布朗先生居然决定把啫喱石公园卖给伐木公司。

    To cover his ismanagement of city funds and fuel his election campaign , Mayor Brown plans to sell the park to loggers .

  15. 不要施之过重,而且注意要和其他化妆品协调。比如说,如果用的是液体粉底,就要用腮红膏或者腮红啫喱。

    Never overload your brush , and match texture to texture . A cream or gel is perfect over liquid foundation , for example .

  16. 您的头发比以前薄了很多,您就不必用像啫喱那样的强定型产品了。

    Your hair is a lot thinner than before , though , so you don 't need to use anything as strong as gel .

  17. 没喷啫喱、没抹发胶或其他定型产品的头发让人看着摸着都很舒服。

    It 's far more pleasant to see and touch hair that is free of styling gels , sticky hair sprays and other hair products .

  18. 洗完澡以后又要用上不止一种化学产品,可能是两种甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、头发柔顺精华等等。

    After taking a bath , chemicals will be put on not just one , but two or more hair products such as styling gel , anti-hair frizz , and others .

  19. 本研究采用不同原料及分量,探索水果啫喱较好的工艺条件以及新包装的设计。

    This research is to find out a better technological condition for production of fruit jelly by ways of adopting different raw materia and weight , and to design a new package .

  20. 内含高效胶化层的卫生巾,可把渗入的液体凝结成啫喱状,受压后不回渗,表面没有粘乎乎的感觉。

    The sanitary napkin with high effective gel layer can congeal the infiltrating liquid to jelly , not flow back after pressing , and you won 't feel sticky on the surface .

  21. 通过运动饮料或易消化的固体食物,比如,长距离跑专用的能量凝胶,能量棒,甚至运动啫喱豆,您可以获得碳水化合物。

    You can get carbs on the run through sports drinks or solid foods they are easily digested , such as as energy gels , bars , and even sports jelly beans designed for long-distance runners .

  22. 洗完澡以后又要用上不止一种化学产品,可能是两种甚至更多,比如造型啫喱、头发柔顺精华等等。是的,这也许并不能帮助你保持头发的造型和光泽,尤其是在使用过量的时候。

    After taking a bath , chemicals will beput on not just one , but two or more hair products such as styling gel , anti-hair frizz , and others.Yes , the thought of maintaining its shape and shine would not help , especially if an exaggeratedamount is being damped into hair .