
  1. 福建省商业补充医疗保险情况分析

    Analysis on commercial supplementary medical insurance in Fujian

  2. 商业补充医疗保险市场需求强烈,但保险公司在风险管控水平、人员素质、产品研发等方面力量薄弱,面临发展瓶颈。

    In spite of great desire in the field of business supplement medical insurance market , insurance company cannot develop quickly because of its risk control level , personal quality , product exploitation .

  3. 商业性补充医疗保险发展研究

    Analysis on the Commerciality Supplements of Medical Insurance

  4. 商业医疗保险等补充医疗保险形式具有巨大的市场潜力,也是社会医疗保险的重要补充。

    Commercial health insurance has great market potential as important supplement of social health Insurance system .

  5. 商业医疗保险是补充医疗保险的重要组成部分,其优势在于可以有效地解决社会医疗保险保障水平偏低的问题。

    Commercial Medical Insurance is the important component of the Supplementary Medical Insurance . It can help to solve the problem that low insurance of Medical Security System .