
  1. 他受政府之命将担任驻日本的新大使。

    He is to is the new ambassador to Japan by decree of the government .

  2. 使用WebSphereApplicationServer管理控制台或wsadmin命:将Spring运行时JAR文件导入为一个资产。

    Import the Spring run time JAR file as an asset using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console or wsadmin commands .

  3. 按照教会传统的说法,他带领了一位希腊王后归向基督,因此令王大怒,命人将他钉十架。

    Tradition says he led the wife of a Greek king to Christ , but that king was so enraged that he ordered Andrew 's crucifixion .

  4. 也为我的命,将自己的颈项,置之度外。不但我感谢他们,就是外邦的众教会,也感谢他们。

    Who have for my life laid down their own necks : unto whom not only I give thanks , but also all the churches of the Gentiles .

  5. 那位完全奉献身心为同胞奋斗,一生热爱民族的犹大,便命人将尼加诺尔的头和手臂砍下,带到耶路撒冷去。

    And Judas , who was altogether ready , in body and mind , to die for his countrymen , commanded that Nicanor 's head , and his hand with the shoulder should be cut off , and carried to Jerusalem .

  6. 有很长一段时间,我对耶稣在大使命里,将受洗、传福音与教导列为同等重要,而感到困惑。

    For years I wondered why Jesus'Great Commission gives the same prominence to baptism as it does to the great tasks of evangelism and edification .

  7. 病重时魏武子又命儿子务必要将这个女人同自己一起埋掉。

    When he was in the height of his illness , he ordered his son again to bury her alive with him when he died .

  8. 以命偿命,他将被判处死刑。

    Life for life , he will be sentence to death .

  9. 如果你救了我的命,也许我将也能够好好地回报你!

    If you will save my life , perhaps I may be able to you good in return , too .

  10. 神阿,骄傲的人起来攻击我,又有一党强横的人寻索我的命。他们没有将你放在眼中。

    O god , men of pride have come up against me , and the army of violent men would take my life ; they have not put you before them .

  11. 不过你可以保持生命的平衡,就是藉着加入小组来互相督促,定期对自己的属灵健康作体检,藉着生活日志记录自己的灵命进程,以及将自己所学传送给别人。

    But you can keep your life balanced and on track by joining a small group for accountability , by regularly evaluating your spiritual health , by recording your progress in a personal journal , and by passing on what you learn to others .