
  • 网络Zhou Hong;Isabella Chow
  1. 中国社科院欧洲研究所所长周弘的言论,代表了你能在北京听到的典型说法。

    Typical of what one hears in Beijing is the comment from Zhou Hong , director of the Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  2. 中国社科院的周弘谈到了中国在近代所遭受的屈辱:在上一、两个世纪,中国是输家,疲弱挨打,国土被占领。

    Ms Zhou at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences says of recent humiliations : China was a loser in the last century or two . China was weak . China was occupied .

  3. 作为一代有影响的人物,周弘正在思想性格上呈现多个侧面&他抗直守正又寻求乱世自保,举止放达又勤勉上进,身居高位又向往山林。

    As an influential figure , Zhou Hong was thinking character for presenting a plurality of straight side-he is defensive and seeking behavior with captive , release and diligence , and longing for the mountains high .