
jí xīng
  • a lucky star
吉星 [jí xīng]
  • [lucky star] 用来象征给大家带来吉祥的人或事物

  • 吉星高照

  1. 但安吉星提供的服务不仅仅是引导客户到最近的星巴克(starbucks)或火锅店。

    But OnStar does more than direct customers to the nearest Starbucks or hotpot restaurant .

  2. 作为副总裁,吉斯基负责公司战略、新业务开发、采购和供应链、产品规划、安吉星(OnStar)和商业联盟。

    As vice chairman , Girsky oversees corporate strategy , new business development , purchasing and supply chain , product planning , OnStar , and business alliances .

  3. 同样,安吉星(OnStar)夺取了美国汽车公司的控制权,作出了类似的贡献,他将向世人展示美国人绝活儿。

    A similar contribution was made by OnStar when it assumed command of the domestic automobile Co. , which is going to show the world something about good old American know-how .

  4. 开车时又累又饿怎么办?这个功能绝对是很多驾驶员的福音。通用汽车的安吉星(OnStar)系统增加了一个叫做“为您服务”(AtYourService)的新项目,接通之后,一名人工助手会帮你购物甚至预订酒店。

    This is one that sounds perfect for people who get tired and hungry when they 're driving : GM 's OnStar system is adding a new program called " AtYourService , " in which a human assistant helps with shopping and can even book hotel reservations .

  5. 就是吉星的星体会带给你一些东西,但是随后会带走它们。

    A benefic gives you something and then takes it away .

  6. 在传统占星里面,我们都知道金星是第二吉星。

    In traditional astrology it is known as the Lesser Benefic .

  7. 吉星有,代表有男性贵人相助。

    The lucky star is sun , a male eminence will appear .

  8. 这剂良药曾经受到了天上一切吉星的祝福。

    This good medicine was sanctified by all the luckiest stars in heaven .

  9. 愿所有的吉星呵护着你!

    I hope all of you the care !

  10. 吉星重工将随时准备制造和提供您所需要的产品。

    We are ready to make and supply exactly what you 've been looking for .

  11. 任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。

    Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic .

  12. 吉星在其落入的星座内没有尊贵势力,他们的吉性将以另一种方面表达。

    Fortunate planets being in signs wherein they have no dignity , their benignity is translated another way .

  13. 当吉星彼此接纳时,他们会赋予极大的幸运;

    The fortunate stars confer great felicity , when they shall be received of each other in their proper houses ;

  14. 为了最终的成功和和谐融洽,你应该用脑子想哪里是你睡觉、工作和坐时的吉星方位。

    For optimal success and harmony you should sleep and work and sit with your head pointed to your auspicious directions .

  15. 火星是盘主星,且不和吉星有相位,表明其人遭遇嫉妒和憎恨。

    Mars almuten of a nativity , and not joined to good planets , signifieth the native to suffer by envy and hatred .

  16. 安吉星上周宣布了一项新服务,即允许客户使用智能手机开关车灯或点火/熄火甚至是远程操控。

    OnStar this week announced a new service that allowed customers to use their smartphone to turn their lights or ignition on and off even from a distance .

  17. 他表示,中国客户致电安吉星呼叫中心的频率,是美国客户(通常年龄更大、也更有经验)的4到5倍。

    He says that Chinese customers call the OnStar call centre four to five times more often as their ( usually older and more experienced ) US customers .

  18. 当吉星和凶星在一起时,你的判断要非常的小心谨慎,你也不能过于自信凶星的凶性能避免。

    Be wary and circumspect in your judgment , when a fortune is with a malevolent ; nor be you overconfident that the malice of the infortune shall be averted .

  19. 同样地,当有吉星其中一个是落在敌人宫并且有得到尊贵的力量,这将暗示着他的对手会是一个名声好的人不会伤害他。

    Similarly , when one of the two fortunes is in the house of enemies and has some dignity there , it signifies that his adversaries will be good men who will not harm him .