
  • 网络Metamorphic Facies
  1. 辽河群变质相带特征及石榴石的研究

    Research on the features of metamorphic facies zone and garnet in Liaohe Group

  2. 热力活动遗迹是由区域变质相带表现出来的。

    Activity Show Thermodynamic activity traces acted as the regional metamorphic facies and its belts .

  3. 铝及铝合金晶粒细化剂变质相形貌的控制

    The Grain Refiner Appearance Controlling of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

  4. 不同变质相系中的岩浆型锆石

    Magma & typed zircons in different Metamorphic Phases

  5. 变质相平衡的研究进展

    Progress in the study of metamorphic phase equilibrium

  6. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘中南部三叠系变质相划分

    The division of Triassic metamorphic facies on western border region ( middle-south part ) of Ordos Basin

  7. 变质相由基底岩系的低角闪岩相&高绿片岩相逐渐过渡为上覆盖层的低绿片岩相。

    The metamorphic facies gradually change from low amphibolite & high green-schist facies of the basement to low green-schist of the cover .

  8. 结果表明:在相同的温压条件下,长英质结晶岩的波速明显低于基性岩,而与变质相的关系不大;

    The results of these experiments show that velocities of the felsic crystalline rocks are obviously lower than that of the basic rocks and no visible relationship with metamorphic phase .

  9. 在含蓝闪石岩分布区,岩石的变质相有葡萄石-绿纤石相、蓝闪石绿片岩相、绿帘石-角闪岩相、铁铝榴石角闪岩相等,未发现高压低温矿物组合。

    In the glaucophane-bearing rocks there distributed some sections , in which the metamorphic facies of the rocks are mainly of prehnite-pumpellyite facies , glaucophane-greenschist facies , and epidote ( almandine ) - amphibolite facies etc , but the high temperature-low pressure mineral associations are not discovered .

  10. 新疆阿尔泰造山带低压变质作用相平衡研究

    Phase equilibrium of low-pressure metamorphism in the Altaides , Xinjiang

  11. 变质玄武岩体系相平衡及矿物-熔体微量元素分配:限定TTG/埃达克岩形成条件和大陆壳生长模型语篇的系统制约

    Phase equilibrium and trace element partitioning between minerals and melt in the metabasalt system : constraints on the formation conditions of TTG / adakite magmas and the growth of early continental crust

  12. 多期变质作用、多相变质作用与变质作用p-T-t轨迹

    Polymetamorphism , polyphase metamorphism and metamorphic p-T-t paths

  13. Be的加入对γ相有一定的变质作用,γ相的形状和分布随Be含量的变化而变化。

    Form and distribution of γ phase varied with Be content variation .

  14. RESiFe+SiCa复合变质剂对复相钢性能的影响

    Influence of RESiFe + SiCa Composite Modifier on Properties of Duplex-Phase Steel

  15. 变质处理对复相耐磨铸钢硫氧化物夹杂形态的影响

    Effect of modification on the morphology of inclusions of oxide and sulfide in dual phase abrasion resistant cast steel

  16. 闽西北中元古界地层加里东变质作用和变质相系划分【地质】复层,叠层

    The Caledonian metamorphism and metamorphic facies series division of Middle Proterozoic group strata in North West of Fujian Province

  17. 长乐&南澳变质岩带形成的大地构造背景与变质幕不同变质相系中的岩浆型锆石

    Geotectonic background and Metamorphic Phases of the formation of the CHANGLE-NANAO metamorphic belt magma & typed zircons in different Metamorphic Phases

  18. 东帕米尔“层控碳酸岩型”铁铜金矿,形成于中元古代裂谷构造环境,产于中深变质相与中浅变质相转换部位,塔昔达阪群底部。

    The stratabound carbonate iron-copper-gold belt in the Eastern Pamir was formed in the Lower Taxidban group in a Mid Proterozoic rift .

  19. 在分析烟台北部芝罘群主要变质岩类的变质矿物共生组合、变质相系及构造岩等特征的基础上,对该群变形、变质作用及演化特征进行了探讨。

    Characteristics of paragenetic association of metamorphic minerals , metamorphic-facies series and tectonites of major metamorphic rocks in Zhifu group in north of Yantai city have been analysed in this paper , and characteristics of deformation , metamorphism and evolution studied as well .

  20. 与澜沧变质带遭受蓝片岩相高压变质作用的事实相吻合。

    This conclusion is consistent with the blueschist rock outcrops in this metamorphic belt .

  21. 矿区出露地层主要为上太古界五台群一套经历了多期变质变形作用的中级区域变质岩系,变质程度为角闪岩相。

    The stratas exposed are mainly comprised of a suit of middle-grade regional metamorphic rocks of Wutai group , upper Archaean . The rocks had undergone multi-stages of metamorphism and deformation of amphibolite facies .

  22. 这一角岩化基性脉岩的发现,揭示在古生代相山铀矿田变质基底仍然遭受着断裂活动、岩浆活动和变质作用三者相伴随的较为强烈的地质构造作用。

    The discovery of hornfelsed basic rock veins discloses that strong geologic process with the activity of fault , magma and metamorphism were still taken placed in Paleozoic era within the metamorphic basement of the Xiangshan uranium ore field .

  23. 该中压变质带与西侧三叠系复理石的低压过渡型区域动力热流变带及区域动力变质带相伴生。

    This intermediate-pressure metamorphic belt is associated with low-pressure transitional regional dynamothermal metamorphic belt and regional dynamic metamorphic belt in Triassic flysch to its west .

  24. 本文从热力学理论上解释了变质流体对变质反应温度缓冲作用的机制,并对缓冲强度进行了估算,据此阐述了变质流体在变质相带研究中的重要意义。

    The paper explains the mechanism of buffering of metamorphic reaction temperature by metamorphic fluids , evaluates the buffering degree of temperature from thermodynamical theory , and discusses the significance of metamorphic fluids in the studies of metamorphic facies and zones .