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  • compressed format
  1. 下载的字体可能为压缩格式,如压缩文件包。

    When you download the font it may be in a compressed format , such as a zip file .

  2. 因此,被压缩格式的结构与原始XML文档的结构不同。

    Therefore , the structure of the compressed format is different from the structure of the original XML document .

  3. WINDOWS位图压缩格式分析及使用

    The Analysis and Application of Compression Patterns of WINDOWS BMP

  4. 其中影响最大,也最具代表性的图像压缩格式就是JPEG。

    JPEG is the most representative , influencing image compression format .

  5. 可查询XML压缩器的主要功能是允许通过其压缩格式直接评估查询,而无需对整个文档进行解压缩。

    The main focus of queriable XML compressors is to allow queries to be directly evaluated over their compressed formats without decompressing the whole document .

  6. 我们还开发了我们自己的ISO压缩格式,还将发布一个打包工具。

    We have also developed our own compressed ISO format and will be distributing a packing tool .

  7. 软件缓冲区和非WDM硬件缓冲区只支持8位和16位未压缩格式。

    Software buffer zone and non-WDM hardware buffer only supports 8 and 16-bit uncompressed format . 3 .

  8. MP3压缩格式中音乐节奏的自动检测

    Tempo Automatic Detection in MP3 Compressed Domain

  9. 考虑使用几乎所有计算机都可以处理的ZIP文件压缩格式是十分安全的。

    It 's safe to consider ZIP a file compression format that almost every computer can handle .

  10. 而MPEG-4作为一种新兴的压缩格式,日益受到非编系统厂商的重视。

    MPEG-4 , as a newly compressing format gradually gets the attention of Non-Editing System 's manufacturers .

  11. 看一下使用压缩格式的示例的RDF版本。

    Let 's take a look at the RDF version of the example in condensed form .

  12. 一种常见的误解是认为UTF-8是一种压缩格式。

    One common misconception is that UTF-8 is a compression format .

  13. 避免使用压缩格式,例如24位的bmp和tif格式。

    Avoid compressed formats , such as the24-bit bmp and the tif formats .

  14. 此类压缩器以压缩格式保留XML文档的原始结构,以便能够使用与原始格式相同的方式对其进行访问和解析。

    This class of compressors retains the original structure of the XML document in the compressed format so it can be accessed and parsed in the same way as the original format .

  15. Gadget文件本身是一种压缩格式,可以采用的压缩机制包括ZIP方式或者CAB方式。

    The files can be packaged using ZIP compression or as a Windows Cabinet File ( CAB file ) .

  16. 实际上,在XML所涉及的技术中,GZIP甚至不是我们所能用到的最新的、优秀的压缩格式。

    In fact , as far as XML goes , GZIP is not even the latest , cool thing to be doing .

  17. JAR格式远远超出了一种压缩格式,它有许多可以改进效率、安全性和组织Java应用程序的功能。

    The JAR format is much more than an archive format ; it has many features for improving the efficiency , security , and organization of Java applications .

  18. Google去年发布了WebP这种新的图像压缩格式,意在减少JPEG图像的大小。

    Last year , Google announced WebP , a new image compression format meant to reduce the size of JPEG images .

  19. gif压缩格式的优点之一是可以交错,从而改善了浏览器下载体验。

    One of the advantages to GIF compression format is that you can interlace it to improve the browser download experience .

  20. ZIP最初是由PhilKatz为共享件程序PKZIP创建的,ZIP是一种快速、可靠且遵循开放规范的压缩格式。

    Originally created by Phil Katz for the shareware program PKZIP , ZIP is a speedy , reliable , and open-specification compression format .

  21. XGrind压缩格式的同质性质为XGrind提供了许多有趣的功能

    The homomorphic nature of the XGrind compressed format grants XGrind many interesting features

  22. 目前,硬盘播出系统常用的视频编码压缩格式为MPEG-2,采用这种格式即便在较高压缩比的情况下仍能保持图像质量的良好效果;

    At present , MPEG-2 is the common video compress coding format in HD play system , it can keep good image quantity under the condition of high compress rate .

  23. 注意,Gnumeric可以以压缩格式存储电子表格数据。

    Note that Gnumeric can store the spreadsheet data in a compressed format .

  24. 在内窥镜动态影像资料的实时存储方面,本文将内窥镜影像实时采集为非压缩格式的AVI数据;

    As to the real-time storing of dynamic medical electronic endoscope video , we make the input captured digital endoscope video into uncompressed AVI format .

  25. 本文的工作主要集中在对未压缩格式BMP图像和压缩格式JPEG图像的无损信息隐藏新算法的研究,以及结合无损信息隐藏方法与脆弱水印的原理,提出有效的保护数字图像完整性的认证方法。

    This paper focuses on new reversible data hiding method on BMP and JPEG image and methods that are combined with reversible data hiding and fragile watermark to authenticate digital image effectively .

  26. 目前尚无支持MPEG-4压缩格式的非线性编辑卡,MPEG-4应用于非编只能采用软件编解码,这在帧精确编辑时会引起素材搜索迟缓的问题。

    MPEG-2 adopts hardware to solve this problem . But at present there is no NLEs cards which can support MPEG-4 compression format . MPEG-4 can only adopt software compress / decompress when used in NLEs .

  27. 这个文件通常采用压缩格式&尤其是,该文件并不是根据VM的硬盘容量确定的,它的大小随着VMI的内容变化。

    The file is typically in a compressed format & specifically , the file grows and shrinks with the contents of the VMI and is not defined by the capacity of the VM 's hard disk .

  28. IWA技术以压缩格式将数据仓库星型架构中的记录载入内存,并使用新的列存储技术来组织数据。

    IWA technology loads the records from a data warehouse star schema into memory in a compressed format , and organizes the data using new columnar storage technology .

  29. 论文从流媒体的基本原理入手,首先介绍了流媒体的相关格式,如常见的媒体压缩格式(MPEG系列标准)、微软的流式媒体格式(ASF)等。

    The paper begins with the rationale of stream media . First it introduces the related formats of stream media such as the familiar media compress format ( the serial standards of MPEG )、 the Microsoft stream media format ( ASF ) etc.

  30. 非线性编辑板卡的压缩格式已由M-JPEG格式发展到MPEG-2格式,它能直接刻录DVD。

    The compressed format of non linear edition card has been developed from M JPEG to MPEG 2 , thus making direct DVD recording possible , but the cost for a DVD R / W driver and DVD R disc is high .