
jí qī xìn yònɡ zhènɡ
  • sight letter of credit;sight credit
  1. 我们坚持凭不可撤销的即期信用证付款。

    We insist on payment by irrevocable sight credit .

  2. 您想必知道我们要求即期信用证付款吧。

    You hope doubt know we require payment by sight letter of credit .

  3. 制成品的支付必须开出即期信用证吗?

    I agree to use letter of credit at sight .

  4. 以不可撤消的即期信用证支付是我方的惯例。

    Payment by irrevocable letter of credit at sight is our usual practice .

  5. 该装运的付款方式:不可撤销即期信用证。

    Terms of payment : irrevocable letter of credit to be drawn at sight .

  6. 我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。

    A letter of credit at sight is normal for our exports to France .

  7. 我们的惯例是即期信用证。

    Our usual practice is LC at sight ?

  8. 我方的付款条件是采用保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证。

    Our terms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight .

  9. 买方须在签约后7个银行工作天内开出生效的不可撤销可转让的即期信用证。

    Seven ( 7 ) Working Days after signing this Agreement , If Buyer fails to cause the Letter of Credit .

  10. 买方应于2007年2月5日前开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销的即期信用证。

    The Buyer shall open a sight Irrevocable Letter of Credit , in favour of the Seller before February 5th 2007 .

  11. 在即期信用证情况下,提示汇票和正确无误的单据后便立即付款。

    In the case of sight credits , payment can be made promptly upon presentation of draft and impeccable shipping documents .

  12. 至于支付方式,我方始终要求用保兑的不可撤销即期信用证,而且还需注明允许分装和转船。

    For payment , we always require the confirmed and irrevocable LC at sight with partial shipment and transshipment allowed clause .

  13. 我们支付方式是保兑的,不可撤销即期信用证,凭全套装运单据支付。

    Our terms of payment are by confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents .

  14. 支付条款还是即期信用证,同上个合同里的一样。

    The terms of payment will be the same as those in the previous contract , that is , sight letter of credit .

  15. 不可撤销的,可转让的即期信用证(关于总贷款协议第BLA99012项下的分贷款协议)

    Irrevocable and Transferable Documentary Sight Letter of Credit ( Concerning the Supplemental Loan Agreement to the General Loan Agreement No BLA 99012 )

  16. 凭以甲方为受益人的保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证支付,允许转船。

    Payment shall be effected by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit in favour of Party A , payable at sight , allowing transshipment .

  17. 在贸易的初期,我们惯常的付款条件是以保兑的、不可撤销的即期信用证收取货款。

    In the beginning of business , our usual terms of payment are by a confirmed , irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight .

  18. 所定货物的付款方式,我方要求凭装船单据,以保兑的不可撤销的即期信用证支付。

    For goods ordered we require payment to be made by a confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit payable on sight upon the presentation of shipping documents .

  19. 我们采用即期信用证,并注明不可撤销和可分批装运字样。

    We 'd like to adopt letter of credit at sight , and " irrevocable " and " partial shipment allow " shall is indicate on it .

  20. 由于这是我们之间进行的第一笔交易,我很希望能够遵照惯例,也就是说,用即期信用证付款。

    As this is the first deal between us , I hope we can trade on customary terms , i. e. , letter of credit payable against sight draft .

  21. 在即期信用证中,通常卖方开即期汇票给买方或者开证行或者信用证中规定的法人!

    In a sight letter of credit , the seller usually draws a sight draft either on the buyer or on the issuing bank or whoever is named in the credit .

  22. 请注意,上述订单的货款经双方同意是以即期信用证方式支付,而信用证必须在收到我们销货确认后2星期内开出。

    ease note that , as agreed , the terms of payment for the above order are sight Letter of Credit established within 2 weeks upon the arrival of our Sales Confirmation .

  23. 我方在此恳请贵方以电报开立金额为……以我方为受益人的不可撤销即期信用证,使我方得以按原定计划执行上述订单。

    We hereby request you to open by cable an irrevocable sight Letter of Credit for the amount of ... in our favor , with which we can execute the above order according to the original schedule .

  24. 付款条件:开给我方100%保兑的、不可撤消的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证,并注明在上述装运日期后十天内在中国议付有效。

    Terms of payment : by100 % confirmed , irrevocable , transferable and divisible letter of credit in our favour to be available by sight draft and to remain valid for negotiation in China until the10th day after the aforesaid time of shipment .

  25. 对即期付款的信用证--开证行应即期付款;

    If the Credit provides for sight payment-to pay at sight ;

  26. 开给我方100%保兑的不可撤销的即期付款之信用证,并须注明可在装运日期后30天内在中国议付有效。

    By100 % confirmed , irrevocable and sight letter of credit to remain valid for negotiation in China until the30th day after shipment .

  27. 议付时需凭受益人出具的、以我行为付款人的一式两份的即期汇票,信用证才有效。

    Credit available by negotiation against presentation of documents detailed herein and of beneficiary 's drafts in duplicate at sight drawn on our bank .

  28. 所有订单都是用即期不可撤销信用证。

    All the orders from CUSTOMER will be gone with irrevocable LC at sight .

  29. 我们的支付方式是以保兑不可撤消的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

    Our terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight .

  30. 除得到卖方同意者外,买方应通过卖方所能接受的第一流银行开立保兑的、不可撤消的及无追索权、可分割、可转让的全部货款凭即期汇票支付的信用证付款。

    Unless otherwise agreed to by seller , payment is to be made against sight draft drawn under a confirmed , irrevocable , divisible and assignable letter of credit without recourse for the full amount , established through a first class bank acceptable to the sellers .