
  1. 卡子湾大桥结构动力分析

    Structural Dynamic Analysis on Kazi Gulf Bridge

  2. 针对卡子湾大桥的结构特性,按照桥梁结构仿真分析的思想,建立三维主桥结构空间模型;

    According to the design engineering construction drawing and theory of simulation , establish the three-dimensional model of main bridge using Ansys preprocessor program ;

  3. 该桥型结构简单明了,受力明确,施工周期短,在大中跨径桥梁中具有一定的竞争力,本文以湖北省卡子湾大桥为工程依托展开研究,具有重要的理论意义和工程意义。

    For this type of bridge , the structure is simple , the stress is easy to analyze , and the construction period is short , which has great competition among large and middle span bridges .

  4. 卡子湾大桥结构型式为斜拉桁架连续刚构体系,其特点是把刚度较小的杆件组合集成为刚度较大的结构体系,以预应力混凝土刚性拉杆代替斜拉桥柔性钢索。

    The bridge of Kazi gulf is the structure pattern for inclined pull consecutive truss , which combines some small poles gather to become a big structure system , and replaces inclined pull steel wire by initial concrete rigid pull pole .

  5. 本文主要以卡子湾片区管委会办公自动化系统为例,对管委会的办公用品管理、车辆管理等日常工作的信息化,以及管委会自动化办公系统与管委会已有的财务系统之间的信息共享问题进行研究。

    In this paper , high-tech X-City Park Administrative office automation system , for example , on the CMC office supplies management , vehicle management , daily work , information technology , and office automation systems and CMC CMC existing financial systems sharing of information between research problems .