
  1. 南黄大麦经正反交遗传实验,F1代叶色性状均表现母本性状,故为细胞质遗传。

    Nanchong yellowish barley ′ s reciprocal cross experiments showed that the leaf character of F is the same as the maternal ones . So it is due to cytoplasm heredity .

  2. 分别用Ekman有限深海风漂流计算公式,普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)数值计算了南黄海风漂流。

    Wind-induced currents in southern Yellow Sea in summer were computed by Ekman formula and Princeton Ocean Model ( POM ) .

  3. 南黄海南部与东海北部之间的深部构造

    Deep tectonics between South Yellow Sea and North East China Sea

  4. 夏季南黄海潮混合锋的分布

    The distribution of tidal-mixing fronts in the Southern Yellow Sea in summer

  5. 南黄海盆地前第三系油气地质特征

    Petroleum geological characteristics of pre-Tertiary in South Yellow Sea Basin

  6. 南黄海春秋季大型底栖动物分布现状

    Distribution of Macrobenthos in spring and autumn in the Southern Yellow Sea

  7. 8月、9月和12月在南黄海均未发现太平洋磷虾的产卵行为。

    Spawning behaviour was not found in August , September and December .

  8. 南黄海水中可溶气态烃的分布特征

    The distributional characteristic of dissolved hydrocarbon gas in the South Yellow Sea

  9. 南黄大麦系辐射突变选育而成。

    Nanchong Yellowish Type Barley comes as a result of selection from radiated mutation .

  10. 南黄大麦叶细胞的亚显微结构

    Ultrastructure of the leaf cells in nan-huang barley

  11. 黄化型大麦的系列研究Ⅳ南黄大麦的小孢子发育

    Studies on yellowing Hordeum ⅳ . the microspore development of nan & yellow Hordeum

  12. 南黄海南部坳陷下第三系阜宁组、戴南组泥岩的粘土矿物与热成熟度的关系

    Relationship between Clay Mineralogy and Thermal Maturity of Funing-Danian Shales in the South of East China Sea

  13. 南黄海水团和悬浮体分布及其光学性质

    The water masses and the suspended matters distributions of the South Yellow Sea and its optic characteristics

  14. 南黄大麦的研究进展

    Research on Nanchong yellowish barley

  15. 采用改进的HBSG&C带程序,对南黄大麦染色体成功地进行了分带。

    With the developed HBSG & C band procedure , the chromosomes of Nanhuang barley were divided into bands .

  16. 下扬子区由南黄海刚性陆核及其克拉通周边地带组成。

    The Lower Yangtze Region consists of the rigid nuclear area of the South Yellow Seaand the cratonic peripheral belt .

  17. 南黄海南部盆地前第三系烃源岩成熟度及生烃期次研究

    Thermal maturation and hydrocarbon generation stages of the pre ? Tertiary source rocks in South basin , the Southern Yellow Sea

  18. 文中以南黄海南部坳陷的资料为例,阐明了这项工作的基本流程和作法。

    The procedure of this work is expounded here with reference to the data obtained from the southern of South Yellow Sea .

  19. 苏北陆区古潮成沙体和海域辐射沙洲共同构成了统一的苏北南黄海潮成沙洲体系。

    There is a huge tidal sand system which is composed of the old sand body distributing in the coastal plain and the radial sand ridge distributing in south Huanghai Sea .

  20. 南黄海南部坳陷烃源岩存在二次生烃,具有2个生、排烃高峰期,排气作用可持续至今

    And that there are two times of hydrocarbon generation and two expulsion peaks , with gas expulsion lasting up to now , in South depression . GLAUCONITE IN THE SURFACE SEDIMENTS OF SOUTH PART OF HUANGHAI

  21. 根据盆地热史及剥蚀量的恢复结果对南黄海南部盆地前第三系(主要为二叠系)烃源岩的成熟度及生烃期次进行了研究。

    Based on thermal history reconstruction and estimation of eroded thickness , the maturation and stages of hydrocarbon generation have been investigated for the pre_Tertiary ( mainly Permian ) source rocks in South basin , the southern Yellow Sea .

  22. 南黄海南部坳陷普遍存在多期抬升剥蚀,其古生界生烃潜力优于中生界,以生气为主;

    That in the South depression of the southern Yellow Sea , the hydrocarbon generating potential of Palaeozoic source rocks is higher than that of Mesozoic due to multiple periods of uplifting and erosion , with gas generation dominant ;

  23. 渤海南部黄鲫幼鱼的季节分布研究

    On Seasonable Distribution of the Juvenile Of Setipinna taty in the Southern Bohai Sea

  24. 浙江黄衢南高速公路衢黄段所辖隧道岩组成分复杂,地质条件较差。

    The tunnels , located in the Qu-Huang segment of Huang-Qu-Nan expressway of Zhejiang Province were in bad conditions in respect to the lithology and geology .

  25. 岗南水库和黄壁庄水库为串联水库,如何从全流域整体考虑,提高流域水资源的利用率和防洪能力是迫在眉睫需要解决的问题。

    The two reservoirs are related . How to improve the utilization of water resources and flood control capacity is imminent to be resolved for the whole basin .

  26. 联邦卫生部向世卫组织报告了南科尔多凡州的黄热病暴发。

    The Federal Ministry of Health reported to WHO an outbreak of yellow fever in the South Kordofan State .

  27. 浙江省黄岩县城关镇天长南路口湖南桃江黄脊竹蝗产卵量观察与研究

    " At the end of South Tianchang Road , Chengguan Town , Huangyan " An observation on fecundity of Ceracris kiangsu Tsai at Taojiang County in Hunan