
  • 网络the Edict of Nantes
  1. 1593年,亨利四世放弃新教改信天主教,终结了内战,但1598年他颁布「南特敕令」,授予新教徒权利。

    Henry IV ended the civil wars by abjuring Protestantism in1593 and converting to Catholicism , but in1598 he promulgated the Edict of Nantes , granting rights to Protestants .

  2. 德国的狄勃拉将军死在邻近的一株大树下面,他原属法国籍,在南特敕令①废止时才全家迁徒到德国去的。

    Beneath a great tree in the neighborhood fell the German general , Duplat , descended from a French family which fled on the revocation of the Edict of Nantes .