
  • 网络Southern Japan;SOUTH JAPAN
  1. 因为这种“低调”的家伙生活在深海中,所以直到2006年有一个研究小组在太平洋南日本海里设法钩住了一个24英尺(7.3米)高的巨型鱿鱼并把它拉到海洋表面,人们才得以一睹其真容。

    Because the immense creature lives deep underwater , humans never saw a living one until 2006 , when a research team in the Pacific Ocean south of Japan managed to hook a 24-foot ( 7.3 meter ) - long specimen and pull it to the ocean surface .

  2. 美国在中国周边有很多军事盟友,包括南朝鲜、日本和强有力的海上军事力量。

    America has military alliances that surround China , with troops in South Korea and Japan and powerful seaborne forces .

  3. 沿着北海道南部至日本中部的海岸地区有着世界上最充沛的降雪量。

    The area along the Japan Sea coast from Hokkaido south to about the middle of the country has some of the heaviest snowfall in the world .

  4. 俄罗斯在北,北朝鲜在西,中国在南。而日本,他的朋友都在遥远的西方,真正打起仗来日本就像一个三明治被夹击起来。悲剧。

    Russia on the north , Korea in the west and China on the south , Japan , despite with friends inyR the west , will be sandwiched in a time of war .

  5. 极右派人士甚至将矛头转向俄国,指称俄国尚未归还南千岛群岛。日本声称千岛四岛为日本的「北方领土」。

    These ultra-rightists also turn against the Russians who have refused to return the four dispute islands of the Kuriles , which Tokyo calls Japan 's Northern Territories .

  6. 过去,该属的种类描述相当混乱,文献中已经存在180多个种名,但估计种数约有近70个,绝大部分种类分布在中国长江流域及以南各省区和日本。

    It is quite confused in the genus for species description . By estimate there are ca. 70 species worldwide though more than 180 species names are documented in references ;

  7. 近年来,蒙古国北与俄罗斯、东欧,南与中国、日本、韩国等国积极开展双边经贸往来。

    In recent years , North of Mongolia , Russia , Eastern Europe , South and China , Japan , Korea and other countries active in bilateral economic and trade exchanges .

  8. 65年来,没有哪位前苏联或俄罗斯领导人曾劳神视察过日本北部4个有争议的岛屿。俄罗斯把这4座岛屿称作南千岛群岛,日本称之为北方四岛。

    In 65 years , no Soviet or Russian leader bothered to visit four disputed islands north of Japan , called the Kuril Islands by Russia and the Northern Territories by the Japanese .

  9. 南沟以揭露日本军国主义以煤养战,以人换煤的阴谋为主题,北沟以激励国人铭记国耻,复兴中华的决心为主旨。

    The south part exposes the intrigue of Japanese militarism that " barter men for coal and coal support war ", and the north part inspirits countrymen to " Always Remember the National Humiliation , Rejuvenate the Chinese Nation " .