
  • 网络Nanhua Temple
  1. 宗教旅游开发研究&以广东南华寺为例

    DEVELOPMENT OF RELIGIOUS TOURISM ── A Case Study of Nanhua Temple in Guangdong Province

  2. 它来到南华寺外边山林中,把自己走过的脚印,变成了巴掌菌。这种菌子能解百毒。

    It comes to the mountain forest outside the Nanhua temple and turns its footprints into palm fungi which can remove toxic substance .

  3. 另外,对该书中已收录的天居寺的地理位置、创建时间,广果寺与南华寺的名异实同等未能详尽之重要信息亦予以补充。

    Addionally , the research was made on the location and construction time of Tian-ju temple , on the problem of one temple with two names of Guang-guo and Nan-hua .

  4. 南华寺住持南禅法师,当晚设素宴为建文帝接风洗尘。刺客探知此事,便潜入寺中厨房,在做成的“巴掌菌”里放了毒药,要毒死建文皇帝。

    Knowing that the abbot of this temple monk Nanchan is treating him with a vegetarian dinner of welcome , the assassins sneak into the kitchen and poison the food .

  5. 一天,建文帝到南华寺传经,途中被刺客认出,他们便暗中尾随到了南华寺外,伺机行刺。

    One day , on the way to Nanhua Temple to disseminate scriptures , he is spotted by those assassins who tail closely behind him by stealth and watch for chance to assassinate him .