
bàn qiú
  • hemisphere;semisphere;halfsphere
半球 [bàn qiú]
  • (1) [hemisphere]

  • (2) 被赤道分开的地球的一半

  • 南半球,北半球

  • (3) 或者分为包括欧洲、亚洲和非洲的一半与美洲的一半这两半之一

  • 东半球,西半球

  • (4) 球体被通过球心的一个平面分成的两半之一

  • (5) 大脑半球的简称

  • 优势半球

半球[bàn qiú]
  1. 塑料光纤双锥与半球腔的活动耦合效应

    Adjustable Coupling Effect of Plastic Fiber Dual Taper and Semisphere Cavity

  2. 报道了用氦氖激光实现的塑料光纤双锥与介质半球(称半球腔)之间的活动耦合效应。

    The adjustable coupling effect of plastic fiber dual taper and semisphere medium cavity implemented by using He Ne laser is reported .

  3. 他们说上帝让他们去西半球最贫困的国家传播教义。

    They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere .

  4. 澳大利亚位于南半球。

    Australia is in the southern hemisphere .

  5. 阿连德一旦获胜,就将危及我们在西半球的利益。

    A victory for Allende would imperil our interests in the western hemisphere .

  6. 小孔端面成半球状。

    The end of the hole is hemispherical .

  7. 冷水可以涌开或者可以平流到冬半球。

    Cold water may be upwelled or may be advected into the winter hemisphere .

  8. 人们特别观察到一点,即在深度睡眠时大脑左半球更为活跃。

    It was specifically observed that the left side of the brain was more active during deep sleep .

  9. 比如海豚,还有其他一些海洋动物,它们睡眠时会关闭大脑的一个半球。

    For example , dolphins , as well as other marine animals , shut down one hemisphere of the brain when they go to sleep .

  10. 当研究人员重复实验室的实验,以研究第二、三晩的效应时,他们发现此时无法用同样的方法刺激处于深度睡眠中的大脑左半球。

    When the researchers repeated the laboratory experiment on the second and third nights they found the left he misphere could not be stimulated in the same way during deep sleep .

  11. 布朗大学的研究人员发现,大脑左半球的网络比右半球的网络“更为活跃”。

    Researchers from Brown University found that a network in the left hemisphere of the brain " remained more active " than the network in the right side of the brain .

  12. 与向志愿者的左耳播放噪音相比,向他们的右耳播放噪音(刺激大脑左半球)更有可能唤醒他们。

    Playing sounds into the right ears ( stimulating the left hemisphere ) of volunteers was more likely to wake them up than if the noises were played into their left ear .

  13. 仅在第一晚,他们的大脑的左半球完全没有右半球睡的沉。

    On the first night only , the left hemispheres of their brains did not sleep nearly as deeply as their right hemispheres did .

  14. 她发现,如果大脑左半球在陌生的环境中为了防卫而保持警觉,那么它会对这种不规律的蜂鸣声有所反应,从而把睡眠中的人弄醒,但是会忽略定时响起且音调不变的蜂鸣声。

    She worked out that , if the left hemisphere was staying alert to keep guard in a strange environment , then it would react to the irregular beeps by stirring people from sleep and would ignore the regularly timed ones .

  15. 许多食品包装袋被空运到另一个半球。

    Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .

  16. 这种动物只有在南半球才能找到。

    This animal is to be found only in the Southern Hemisphere .

  17. 他的前额呈弯曲的半球形。

    His forehead domed out in a curve .

  18. 大脑半球生殖细胞瘤的CT和MRI表现

    CT and MRI Findings of Germinoma of Cerebral Hemispheres

  19. 小脑半球肿瘤的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Cerebellar Hemisphere Tumors

  20. 小F数毫米波双曲透镜扩展半球透镜成像特性分析

    Imaging performance of hyperbolic lens / extended hemispherical lens with small F-number at millimeter wavelengths

  21. 中国黄土分布在北半球中纬度,在CO2未知汇的研究中很可能具有重要作用。

    Loess is widely distributed in China , also at the middle latitude .

  22. 双侧硬脑膜外打击后形成双侧大脑半球脑皮层挫裂伤。设左半球为A侧(对照侧),右半球为B侧(治疗侧)。

    The left hemisphere was regarded as A side ( control side ), and the right was B side ( treaded side ) .

  23. 头颅MRI检查4例发现左侧海马硬化,1例CT示右半球萎缩。

    Cranial MRI showed left hippocampal sclerosis in 4 patients and CT brain scan showed right cerebral hemiatrophy in 1 case .

  24. 工作记忆中汉字与空间的分离及动态优势半球的ERP效应

    ERP effects of dissociation and dynamic hemispheric dominance of Chinese characters and spatial information in working memory

  25. 通过有限差分法求解了焊接熔池波动频率与焊接熔池半球体半径R之间关系的数值解。

    Using the finite difference equation , the numerical solution of the relationship between the vibration frequency and radius R of hemispherical welding pool was solved .

  26. 1986&1987年北半球冬季亚澳地区大气环流异常及其与西太平洋SST异常的联系

    1986-87 northern winter asia / australia circulation anomalies with their relation to the Western Pacific SST

  27. 本文在ANSYS软件上经二次开发后,对带直边半球形厚壁封头的冲压成形过程进行了二维有限元模拟。

    In this paper , the forming process of the spherical thick wall head hot stamping was simulated with ANSYS using 2-dimensional finite elements .

  28. 东半球跨赤道气流季节变化及其在ELNino年的异常

    Seasonal variation of cross-equatorial flow in the eastern hemisphere and its anomaly during the El Nino event

  29. 结果5只兔栓塞后DSA显示颈内动脉细小分支及主干发生闭塞,CT平扫和增强在缺血6小时可见栓塞侧大脑半球片状低密度梗死区。

    Results Small branches and trunk of ICA were all obliterated after embolization . CT scanning showed patchy low - density areas after 6h of embolization .

  30. 文中根据Hertz理论,将板面荷载假设为半球面形分布。

    According to Hertz 's theory , the distribu-tion load is assumed as a half ball .