
  • 网络Gabi;Gaby
  1. 加比:当然,你是最懂墨西哥风情的,你念R时会卷舌,你还把足球叫做橄榄球。

    Gaby : Yeah . You 're the one who knows about Mexican stuff . You roll your r 's , you call soccer football ...

  2. 加比:Carlos,你在这儿干嘛?

    Gaby : Carlos ? What are you doing here ? Carlos : What are you doing here ?

  3. H2O2和Fe~(2+)浓度比对污染去除效果有一定影响,二者的最佳投加比为7:1;

    The concentration ratio of H_2O_2 and Fe ~ ( 2 + ) was to a certainty effect , which of 7:1 was the optimum .

  4. 投加H2O2方式影响其比耗。分批式投加比一次投加能更有效地利用过氧化氢。

    Adding hydrogen peroxide in batch wise is more effective from the point of view of using H_2O_2 than that adding in altogether with one time .

  5. 反硝化实验研究表明,废水C加比对反硝化过程影响明显,C加比越高,反硝化速率越快;

    The results of denitrification experiments showed that C / N had apparent influence on the process of denitrification . The more C / N was high , the more the rate was fast .

  6. 结果:最佳pH值为6.5~7.0,水蒸气蒸馏法优于挥发油提取器法,吐温-80先加比后加效果好。

    Selection of Tween 80 . Results : The best pH value is 6.5 ~ 7.0 , water gas is much better than oil extrac - tion , Tween 80 is better more before than after .

  7. 加比:Sandro,你总算来了。

    Gaby : Oh , good , sandro . There you are .

  8. 5.startern.开端加比:听着,伙计们,在我们玩之前,我跟你们保守了一个秘密。但是我打算告诉你们了,因为你们是我最亲密的老友。

    Gaby : Listen , guys , uh , before we start ... I 've been keeping something from you , but I 'm gonna tell you because you 're my dearest and oldest friends .

  9. 店员:加比,娃娃不会说话的,即便如此,Humphries夫人永远守护着我。

    Shopkeeper : Gaby , dolls don 't talk . But even so , mrs. Humphries is always there for me .

  10. 本文使用选定的参数、优化的加比选单元、提出的概率回溯算法实现了一个适用于DRM系统的(4,1,6)Viterbi译码器。

    This paper implements a Viterbi decoder by using the selected parameters , optimized " add-compare-select " unit and the " probability trace back " algorithm which can be used in the DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale ) system .

  11. 根据改进的算法,该文还提出了一种新的加比选运算单元,综合结果和功耗分析显示,新的ACS单元面积和功耗分别是传统ACS单元的32.7%和26.8%。

    Based on the modified TURBO algorithm , a new Add-Compare-Select ( ACS ) unit is designed . The simulation results show that the area and power consumption of proposed ACS unit are 32.7 % and 26.8 % of conventional ACS units , respectively .

  12. 研究结果表明,在聚酯Ⅰ、2,4-甲苯二异氰酸酯和扩链剂Q-80的质量投加比为15:4:1条件下,保温时间为2h,保温温度为90℃条件下合成的水性聚氨酯固含量最高,性能较好。

    The study shows that it is pretty good result in terms of solid content under the following condition that the ratio among polyester ⅰ, TDI and chain extender Q-80 is 15 ∶ 4 ∶ 1 , the heat-preservation time is 2 hour and the heat-preservation temperature is 90 ℃ .

  13. 加比:就是…今天有点难过。

    Gaby : Oh , just ... having a sad day .

  14. 加比:难怪他喜欢篮球。

    Gaby : Oh , that 's why he likes basketball .

  15. 加比:我们告诉过你了,她已经走了。

    Gaby : We told you . She 's already gone .

  16. 加比:无稽之谈!胡安妮塔:那你为什么把那条项链送给她?

    Juanita : Then why did you give her that necklace ?

  17. 加比:你告诉我朋友布瑞吧!

    Gaby : Well , tell that to my friend bree .

  18. 加比:没错,胡安妮塔可能是法国佬的。

    Gaby : Yeah . I think juanita might be french .

  19. 加比:那也不能戴真钻的,把它给我!

    Gaby : Not with real diamonds . Hand it over !

  20. 加比:谢谢你,宝贝。

    Gaby : Oh , well , thank you , honey .

  21. 加比:天呐,他怎样了?

    Gaby : Oh , my god . How is he ?

  22. 加比:抱歉,我刚才讲到哪了?

    Gaby : I 'm sorry . What was I saying ?

  23. 加比:因为我知道你不会明白。

    Gaby : Because I knew you wouldn 't understand .

  24. 加比:怎么了,我以为你喜欢音乐剧呢。

    Gaby : What 's wrong ? I thought you love Musicals .

  25. 加比:能认识你是我的福气。

    Gaby : It 's been so wonderful getting to know you .

  26. 加比:不不不。不是这样的。

    Gaby : No , no , no. That is not true .

  27. 加比:不用,我来处理吧。

    Gaby : No. I 'll take care of it .

  28. 加比:干什么?卡洛斯:我要把格雷丝的照片都删掉。

    Carlos : I 'm going to delete every photo of Grace .

  29. 再见,加比,拜托你下次打电话。

    Goodbye , gaby . Please , call next time .

  30. 加比:哎呀呀,说话别这么冲嘛,如我所述,那只是假设。

    Like I said , it was just ... Hypothetical .